The Duhkha Box

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Over lush lands and vast oceans, arrived a miniature box from India. Ornate carved filigree graced the top of this delicate vessel. Holding it in my trembling hands, I speculated the many treasures it's held. With great anticipation I gently opened the lid. My wondrous eyes were amazed by the glowing light emanating from inside. Through the brilliant glow I could see a key. I slowly reached for the key. As I lifted it out of the box it was a though the key had a life of its own and intuitively floated to my heart. This magical key mysteriously fit into my heart like they were long lost lock and key. With a gentle twist to the left, I felt a click and all of the sadness and pain suddenly came powering out of my heart. Despite its petit size, it unusually held what felt like an ocean of grief.

When my heat was fully emptied of all its pain and suffering, the key floated back into the box and the lid gently closed.

With a profound sense of peace and gratitude, I sent the box on its next journey to heal another broken heart.

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