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Hiccup's POV
"Ah, finally a time to read my favourite book." Takes out 50 shades of grey " how can it get any better than this?"


( Oh god why ) "What do you want Jack?" He smiled at me while walking into my room.

"You'll never guess what happened to me this morning. This guy was smiling to me and talking to me"

"That's very interesting"

"And he was reeeeaaaal friendly. I think he was coming on to me! I think he might have though I was gay!"

*blushes profusely "And why are you telling me this? Why should I c-care? I don't c-care." (I need to change the topic omg) "Uhh what did you have for lunch today?"

"Aww you don't have to get all defensive abou-"

"Shut up!" (Crap I can't stop this feeling, why do I feel this way when Jacks here, oh gosh) "Uh I don't care about what gay guy you met today, I am trying to read."

"I uh, didn't mean anything by it Hic, I just thought it would be something we would be able to talk about." He grinned at me.

"IDontWantToTalkAboutThisAnymore!" ( crap I stuttered didn't I? ) " Th-this conversation is o-over!" I blushed and looked away.

"Don't tell me... Are you... Gay?"

( I wanted to cry right there ) I turned around, faced him. Then I replied, " Yes Jack. I'm gay. Happy?" I cried right there.

He came closer and closer to my teary face, and said, "Then that makes the two of us."

And then, he did the most unexpected thing: he kissed me on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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