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Scene: A Bedroom

A person's POV

I woke up hearing the alarm bell. Rubbing my eyes I found Shivanya beside me engrossed in her sleep. After few moments , she plunged off from the bed screaming "Oh I forgot! Oh I forgot"

Pov ends

"Shivanya , we have time. Don't worry." He calmed her down
"No mahir , we should be there as early as possible. I'll go and get dressed." Shivaya went to washroom.

She came back dressed in a sari.

"Mahir!!! Why are you becoming late? Please come" shivaya yelled"I'm coming" mahir replied combing his hair

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"Mahir!!! Why are you becoming late? Please come" shivaya yelled
"I'm coming" mahir replied combing his hair.

"After years , I'm seeing shivanya being so excited. How much she's longing for a baby!" Raj said while sipping his juice
"Our daughter is happy now. Hope everything will go as per her happiness." Yamini smiled
"Mahir , for which you got appointment?"  Raj asked
"9am" mahir was having his sandwich.
"It's already 8'00 clock. Go soon. Don't be late" Yamini advised.
"Mom , dad we are leaving" Shivanya said to Raj and Yamini.
"May God bless you both" they prayed and bid them goodbye

"How excited she's! Maybe this is all I can do now. For years I have been living with guilty. Atleast now she's happy. Her happiness is all I want." Mahir thought while driving the car. Soon he parked car near a flat. It seemed to be an old flat as the walls were plenty with cracks and moss formation. Climbing up the stairs , shivanya knocked on the door of the room 360. Within seconds , a middle aged lady opened the door smiling at mahir and shivanya warmfully.

"So punctual!" She exclaimed
Both got inside the room. She offered them cup of tea which both of them politely refused.

"Where's the girl?" Shivanya was curious.
"Okay , okay , before that I want to tell something important. The girl I've got is unmarried as well as young aged. I know it's illegal. But for you I'm doing this. So beware." She warned
"Then I don't think it's a good idea. Let's look for someone else" Mahir wasn't convinced.
"Mahir , stop this. Come with me" shivanya clasped his hands and took him to a lonely corner out of the room.

"Since years , I'm wishing for a child. Now somehow everything is perfect and you are making objections. Understand our situation. This is my last hope" Shivanya pleaded
"But shivanya if it's illegal , then we may land ourselves as well as that girl in trouble." Mahir couldn't digest the whole idea.
"Don't you feel shame to talk to me like this! I'm not having any issues. You are the one whose infertile. Because of you I'm childless. Don't you feel guilty! How much times my parents told me to get married to someone else , but I didn't did that. Be grateful to me atleast." Shivanya's voice was filled with anger and frustration.

Now mahir was speechless. As shivanya went back to the room , mahir hid his tears and then went to the room.

"So what's your opinion?" The lady asked
"We are okay with it." Shivanya said while glaring at mahir.

"Tell us more about her" Shivanya asked the lady

"She's from a small town in Punjab. She hails from a lower middle class family. When her mother died , her father got married to a lady with whom she lives now. With that lady her father have 2 children. Few years before her father too died. Now she's with her step mom and step sisters. She has agreed to be your surrogate as she's in urgent need of money." Lady clearly explained everything.

"How old is she?" Mahir asked


"She's so young. I don't want to get involved in this by any means but I have no other option. Don't know if God will forgive me" mahir thought.

"You can meet her tomorrow. She'll come to your house next day. You two live alone right , not with your parents" The lady enquired.
"We are with them today , but shift to our house evening " shivanya explained.

"I dont know in what we are gonna be land on. Anyway now I'm not speaking anything. " Mahir thought while driving.
On coming back to home , Raj and Yamini where overwhelmed hearing this news. While shivanya was packing her clothes for returning to our home , Yamini told mahir , "Mahir , she's our only child. Take care of her. She's longing for a child. Because of you her wish isn't fulfilled. Now everything is going to be good. Give her happiness"
Mahir , even though nodded to it was feeling double frustrated hearing the advice from in his mother in law.


"I don't mind if she stays here. Actually it's a nice thing. I can observe my baby in her womb for 24 hours. Okay I'll clean one room of our house for this." Shivanya said in phone.

"That lady we met today....she called me. Our surrogate , Bela Sharma have no place to stay so I asked her to come here and stay with us." Shivanya explained.

"We don't even know that girl perfectly and you are letting her stay here?" Mahir questioned.

"What more to know! She's the surrogate for our baby. She'll stay in this house for sure. One more thing , tomorrow we will go to the clinic for the procedure." Shivanya was stern and her anger made mahir speechless.

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