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"Jesus Christ, this orphanage looks so unsettling and eerie," Jake said, "Why do we have to live here? What happened to our old home?"

"Our old home," I told him, "Had a rodent infestation that nobody could fix. We had to move, you idiot."

"Yeah, I know, sorry." He apologized as he ran his fingers through his scruffy hair. 

We all walked into the old home. It was quite big for a group of our size. We were only a group of 67. We were of all ages. From 4 to 17. I was 16 years old but my size would say otherwise. I was only  4'11 and my hair contributed a lot to that. I had baby-blue eyes that everyone loved. I didn't think they were that special.

"Ann, come here and decide which room you want!" My caregiver Shann called me.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied. "I'm on my way."

She was a kind woman, honestly. Just very strict and was a strong believer in manners, kindness, and alcohol. My God did that woman love alcohol.

I ran to the 2nd floor and walked to her side. She pointed at a long hallway with about 10 doors on each side. Some contained bedrooms, some bathrooms, and some kitchens. 

"Wow, Ms.Shann," I said while looking at her. "This is a nice home despite its appearance."

"Yep," She says. "Teaches you not to judge a book by its cover, am I right."


I walk into the room next to the bathroom and it was quite beautiful. Better yet, absolutely beautiful. I felt some form of connection when I walked in there. It was like a feeling of never wanting to leave. Fear of separation. It was like someone close to me was in this room.

"Hey, Ann," Jake called out to me. "Come see my room!"

I ran to Jake's room and it turns out he had already set all of his belongings up. It looked like the room had skipped generations.

"Wow, Jake, you really did a number on this room," I said as I looked around. "Don't you think you overdid it a bit?"

"Yup," He answered. "Time for your room."

"Time for my what?"

The next thing I know is that almost everyone in the house is crowded in my empty boring room.

"Wow, you really did a number on this room!" Jake said while looking at me with a smirk.

"Shut up." I elbowed him.

"Wait, though, did you get mad or something?" He asked.

"No?" I replied.

"Then why is there a hole in the wall?"


I looked over to the wall Jake was pointing at and saw a visible crack in the wall.

"That definitely wasn't me." I told him.

"Hm. Maybe it was here before," Ms. Shann said. "Let's leave it for now-"




A chill zoomed up our spines. My hands started shaking uncontrollably. 

"What was that?" Jake asked.




We all looked at the wall.

"It's coming from the wall." I said.

Jake grabbed my suitcase and threw it at the wall.

"Jake, wai-" I squeaked out before screams were heard all around the room.

Everyone was in shock as they saw a corpse missing majority of its skin and a missing eye.

A gasp escaped my throat and I started breathing hard. 

For the true horror was that this corpse was that it was not only lightskinned like me, it was around my height, and the one eye was baby blue.

"Oh my God, Ann," Ms.Shann said. "That looks just like you."

"Ms.Shann," I replied. "That is me."

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