Settling in

45 1 3

Dr. Orchid came down from the stairs. "Hello everyone! It is 10:00 PM! I suggest we go to bed." "There are 2 beds in each room, each bed fitting 2 people. Please find a partner of the same gender to sleep with!" After lots of searching, it was settled.

Miss Scarlett and Mrs Peacock
Silo and Mrs White
Dr Orchid Sarah
Haley and Liz
Leon and Peyton
Autumn and Annabelle
Kevin and Alby
Bella and Mia
Dan and Val
Steve and Jim

Annabelle went up to her room with Autumn. Autumn was 17, and her parents worked on an farm.
"Is this our room?" Annabelle asked. They were in a orange room with two beds. Bella and Mia were behind them. "I think." Bella answered. Everyone layed down, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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