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Kaitlin pulls up to her grandmas house in her red SUV. she hasn't seen her grandma in a long time and she is really excited. She walks up the porch steps and rings the doorbell. The door opens, and there she is, the love able old woman Kaitlin has grown up knowing she's the one she can trust. She loved her grandma very much and never wanted anything to happen to her. "Come to the dining room sweetie! I've made you some sweets!" Her grandma said. Kaitlin walked in and couldn't believe her eyes. Her grandma had filled an entire long dining table with sweets and home made goodies! Kaitlin hoped grandma hadn't made all this for her, because she was trying to watch her weight. "Oh honey sit down have some pie!" Grandma handed her a chocolate pie and say her down. "I'll grab you a glass of water, I'll be right back!" Kaitlin was sitting in front of the most food she's ever seen at one time. She started with a slice of pie because she didn't want to offend her grandma after working so hard to make all this food. She bit into a bite and she was in heaven. It was the best pie she had ever tasted. She gulped down the rest of the piece and then grabbed the rest of the pie. By the time her grandma was back, Kaitlin had finished the entire pie. "Oh my you ate that fast!" Grandma said. "It was amazing grandma, thank you!" Replied Kaitlin, "but I really gotta start heading out" kaitlin started to stand up but her grandma shoved her back down in her chair. "Have some more food! You look starved!" "Well grandma I am trying to watch my weight" "a plate of cookies will do no harm!". Kaitlin grabbed the plate of chocolate chip cookies and started eating one. Again, probably the best cookie she has ever had. Before she knew it, she had eaten a dozen of them! Kaitlin was starting to get full. But then grandma slid her a lemon pie, and Kaitlin had to grab a slice. For some reason, her grandma's cooking was really good today. Maybe it's Just because she's missed it so much. Kaitlin finished the lemon pie. She couldn't eat one more bite, but then she spied some brownies, and she grabbed one, then two, then the whole tray. Kaitlin couldn't resist herself anymore. Her grandmas cooking was so good she had to try everything else. She walked around the table grabbing samples of everything, taking a bite, then finding that she ate the whole thing. After finishing a chocolate cake and 15 s'mores, she noticed she had formed a nice squishy muffin top. Her belly was starting to roll over pants waist band. She was done, and she was just about to leave, when grandma pulled out a new chocolate pie from the oven. She couldn't help but eat the entire thing. As if in a trance, Kaitlin walked back to her seat, rubbing her growing belly. She sat down and went into overdrive. She shoveled in trays and trays of food. Nothing could stop her now. She ate cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, brownies, anything fattening you can think of she ate it. Until she finally stopped, but not without paying a price. Her once fit body was replaced with a bloated, highly, sluggish 300 pound body. Her belly covered her legs and her boobs were ripping out of her shirt. The shirt no longer covered her belly and her pants were almost about to pop off. She went to go reach for the last donut, and there was a loud crack, and the chair underneath her collapsed. Her grandma helped her up. After all this eating, she had to use the bathroom. So while grandma was making another cake, she shuffled over to the bathroom. When she opened her door, she found her grandma tied up laying on the ground. "Grandma.." Kaitlin said. (She was short of breathe, not used to her colossal body weight) "what's...going on?" She turned around, and who she thought was her grandma was standing in front of her with a very evil smile. She lunged at Kaitlin, and pushed her into a giant fryer that was next to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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