The Day I Get To See Her Again Is The Day I Die

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Kyoko was with Aoi and Makoto when she last laid down and closed her eyes.

The next thing she knew, she was somewhere else.

Somewhere she knew where exactly. It was her old house; when she still lived with her grandfather.

Her grandfather was alive and well though; found in Towa City by more Future Foundation agents in an abandoned book store after Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa beat the leader and creator of the almost infinite Monokumas that also took charge of the city.

But that didn't matter, because more things opened up to her upon closer inspection of where she was.

When she visited her home in The Tragedy's era, it was destroyed. No piece of furniture intact, as if it was aerially bombed.

But even just the thoughts of explosions made her shiver. And she knew exactly why. But she didn't like to think back to it.

How she failed to protect the only person that could put up with her.

She shook her head and shut her eyes. She took a deep breath. Right now, all she needed to do was calm down and think of a reasonable explanation as to why she was brought here, of all places.

She already concluded that she was dead, and that she might be spending her whole (dead) life in this house and haunt the people that come here.

But who would come in a destroyed house? A house where there lived only the memories inside it?

She shook her head again, and decided to look around more.

She opened her eyes and imagined she would be in another after life, but it turns out not as it remained the same.

A shaky sigh of what's inevitably going to come escaped her mouth in a small slit. She didn't let it show, despite being alone, but she was scared.

In times like these-other than Makoto-she wished for the comfort of someone familiar to her in a young age; someone like a mother to her, a big sister, but not at all family. Someone she failed to protect.

She curved her fingers inside her palm and balled her fists. Her gloves made a squeaking noise as she did.

She started to walk.

Walk through the familiar steps of her past every-day lifestyle before she enrolled in Hope's Peak.

Her former middle-school with-with her detective partner, was an all-girls school. And only the High school Students like Yu-like her partner, had dorms.

It hurt her to think about her former partner like this. Because she knew it would only bring shame to her partner's name if it even dared to get out of her mouth.

She decided to forget about it and looked her house's former staircase up and down.

It was the same as ever; the same as the day her father stormed down from another argument with her grandfather.

She put her foot on the first step, before continuing to three.



She froze. The hair at the back of her neck jumped up with her heart picking up its pace.

That... Was an awfully familiar voice.

But it couldn't be.

She was dead!

"Kyoko?" the voice repeated, genuinely confused by the tone it was currently taking.

Shame If I Failed To Tell You The Truth (Danganronpa: Kirigiri) Where stories live. Discover now