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On a path less troden on,

I go exploring forward.

People mock me, people ridicule me,

I stop, bothered.

I wonder if it is the right thing,

I wonder what I'm doing is correct.

I just wanted to do something different,

I wasn't thinking of the path ahead.

I did not want to do something mainstream,

I wanted to do something I liked.

But here I am, sitting clueless,

Waiting for the bulb in my brain to light.

And as I sit here, voices echo,

Screaming at me, judging.

And I tell myself, "Don't listen darling"

But I see my resolve crumbling.

My mind bickers, it gets to me,

But I have made my choice.

And I will stick to the path I've chosen,

Head held up with poise.

Because in the end, people don't matter,

What matters is what you want.

And people are just bystanders along the way,

Don't let them get to you, don't let them taunt.

                                                                        --Niharika Baldua

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