New friends

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My mom and dad have just dropped me off at school. Well my new school. No I didn't get expelled if that's what your thinking. I'm actually a quiet,well behaved child. Its actually my first year of high school. I'm super nervous. Being a quiet child has some downsides to it like not being able to make friends. As you should of guessed by now I'm 14 and starting high school today.

"Hey. You seem lost." I turn to look where the voice is coming from. "Oh hey. Yea I kinda am." I say and smile politely. This girl was so pretty. She had long brown hair,brown eyes and had glasses but looked Wayyy prettier than me. "Need help?" She asked. "Yea. If that's not a problem?" I can't help but feel bad for making her go out of her way to help me. "Ofc not don't worry about it. I'm going to the exact same place anyway so might as well make new friends." She adds before letting out a giggle and showing me to follow her. Once we get to the hall's doors we join the line that has already started forming. "My name is Issy. What's yours?" I look at her to make sure she is talking to me before answering her. "My name is Brittany." I answer her and look down at the floor once more. Before Issy can say anything a teacher instructs us to start entering the hall. I take a seat next to Issy as she is the only one I know so far. Once we are seated we are greeted by the principal and given a speech. I get assigned to my register class and join the line. Unfortunately Issy is not in my class. Now I'm even more nervous than I was before.

When we get to class I go and sit at my desk. Since it's our first day we aren't doing any work. All we are doing for the day is signing for our text books and going on a tour of the school. Everyone is chatting away and writing notes. They seem to be making friends but I just sit and stare out of the window. Only the grade 8s and 10s-12s are at school. The grade nines aren't. This is due to the pandemic we are in. I sit watching how quiet the school is and all of a sudden a note is passed to me. "Hey my name is josh. I hope you don't mind me sending you notes." I giggle to myself as I look up and see a boy in the row next to me looking back at me and waving. "Hey my name is Brittany. No I dont mind." I reply and pass the note back. I seriously can't believe how my day is going so far. Me and the red head boy that sent me the note end up talking until break time. I walk out of the class and start heading to our play ground. A girl that was in my school last year,Courtney, came up to me. "Can I sit with you?" She asks me." Sure." I reply and carry on walking. When we get to a place to sit Issy spots us and comes over with her group of friends. We also invite another girl who was by herself to come and join us. We all started introducing ourselves and get along quiet well. I smile as I think that I finally found amazing friends.

Heyy guys this is the first chapter. Sorry if it's short I'm working on a plan to make it longer. I'm just in the middle of exams at the moment and don't have alot of free time. Also sorry if it's bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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