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Hi there! As I said, I am Alexis and I do book covers for free and for fun☃︎
(and no, the Adobe Spark watermark will not be seen on the book cover due to my subscription on the app)

In order to get your book cover done (from sratch) message me privately on Wattpad with the following informationシ︎:

Book name
Book Description
Book genre
Name of author you would like on the cover
Any other info (such as asking me to name the book or anything you would like specific on the cover)

Ask all questions in the comment section only (I will respond to all😉)

If you have any image that you would like to be used for the cover or a similiar image please send it through email stating your purpose: alexisswilliams01@gmail.com
(If you are sending an image through gmail please inform me on Wattpad first🐼)

I do all genres except fanfic

I will begin to post the results after I get requests coming in🙂


Don't forget to vote and follow👍

Please respond with your Thanks in the public chat to reassure the other users that I am not a hoax thanks


Book Covers - FREEWhere stories live. Discover now