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James Charleston, he's really popular. I'm more of the average kid, except I'm gay, and my school sucks. So being gay isn't something I can exactly tell people, which is why I keep it a secret, but right now I've spotted James Charleston eyeballing me.

I can't just say what cause we're in the middle of math class. Which is the class right before school is out and I get to listen to the braves play on the tv. I kept stealing glances at him, and I saw him staring EACH time.

"Mr.Charleston, what's the answer?" "It's uhm 36?" "Incorrect, what about you Mr.Braxton?" I froze up and noticed the answer was indeed 36, "It's 36 ma'am." "Did you not hear James? I said that was incorrect." "I heard him, and he's right. You're wrong."

Well I wasn't trying to be disrespectful, but she looked at me as if I was. "Do you want detention young man!?" "Try it yourself, the answer's 36!" She put the equation in the calculator and looked amused as she wrote the answer on the board. How could such an idiot be allowed to teach?

"I suppose you two are right." When class ended James waited at the door, and his friends waited with him. Weird, either way Mrs.Horn doesn't like staying afterschool so she already left. Leaving me, Roger Rolling, and Daniel Hasten. Daniel is one of my friends, Roger is like my acquaintance.

Roger left first and Daniel did next. They still stood at the door, are they tryna jump me or something? I tried to walk out the door but James blocked me, "Yes?" "Would you uhm like to go to the braves game with me-us." "Sorry but I'm pretty sure all the tickets are sold out."

"Oh I already bought them!" "Oh okay, then sure." "Great! Give me your address and I'll pick you up in about three hours." "Okay." I wrote it down and handed him it, why on earth did he ask me? "Well I'm gonna go now." "Yep, see you later!" I left and when I got home I took a shower and got dressed.

I put on a braves jersey, and a pair of jeans. Then I put my shoes on and did my hair okayish, y'know so I didn't look high-maintenance. Then I put on a hint of cologne so I could atleast smell fancy. When James finally came to pick me up his friends were all crowded in the car and it looked like there wasn't much space.

"Uhm do some of you wanna get in my car?" "You have a car?" "Well yeah." "You heard em, some of you ride with him." A few of them got out and I grabbed my car keys, when we got there it was a great game. So far the braves were winning 5-0, and I caught a ball, but I let some kid have it.

Then you'll never believe it, James caught one himself! Instead of keeping it he gave it to me, "Thanks dude!" "Your welcome." He smiled and two of his friends grinned, why? "So after this there's a drive-in movie, you guys down to watch it?" "I kinda have a curfew, sorry."

"Oh don't be a pussy, curfew shmurfew. What's you dad gonna do, ground ya?" "I don't uhm I don't know my dad." Fuck! Jesus I look like a total dick now. "Fuck, sorry I didn't know. I totally wasn't trying to be a dick or anything!" He chuckled, "I know you didn't know, it's fine."

"Well after this your going to the movie with me regardless." "I can't bro, my mom might take away my phone AND football." "How about this, for every week your grounded, I'll buy you a brand new football or chocolate!" He grinned and shook my hand, "Alright."

After the braves won 10-1 Samuel Johnson, Caden McDaniel, Mason Haden, and James went with me to the drive in. I guess I should've told James it was a scary movie, cause boy was he all up on me!

It was kinda cute, this was a great night. Apparently the car he drove to the dodgers with wasn't his, so I had to drive all four of em home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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