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HEY! so yea, i want your guys opinion on this. which one of these ideas do you want me to do for a story? Or do you want me to do all of them?  You choose. I just wanna do one of these....*whispers* mostly th pewdiecry ones but don't let that chnge your opinion shhhh....


Cry has an obsession. And his obsession is talking to this stranger on Skype that he can't even understand properly. (probably because he speaks another language?), and doesn't know what he looks like. It's a bad habit of his to meet up with some bad people, but he has a good feeling with this guy that goes by the username Pewdiepie...

"I love you."


"Close enough."

All Mine

Cry and Pewdie dated when they were in middle school, ending in a catastrophe, causing Pewdie to move to Sweden again, leaving Cry heart-broken, confused, and alone. 14 years have passed since. How did Cry find himself in love with the same jerk he swore who left him in a time of need?

"It's been fourteen years, why won't you forgive me already?"

"Because you never apologized." Cry glared at him.

"You know I would never hurt you. Why can't we get back together?" His voice held desperation to it. Cry won't let himself break.

"Because I'm scared I might be hurt again!" Too late.

Dive head first in

Pewdie was a photographer. He loved his job. He got to live near beaches and get into many interviews and meet famous people because of it. He took beautiful pictures of skyscrapers, mountains, plains, and mostly beach scenes. He never imagined he would find a mermaid(man?) when he moved to one of Flordia's secluded beaches. Much less that he would become friends with him.

"Are you even real?"

"I think I should be asking you that."

Cry grinned. "Well, you should've asked me first, weirdo."

Felix shook his head. "Well you should already known, fish."

When it rains, it pours, and when it pours, my love for you grows stronger

Pewdie is having troubles to coming to terms that his girlfriend Marzia has moved back to Italy, and has probably forgotten that he's alive. It doesn't help that he's having hallucinations of some kind of water spirit that appears and hangs out with him and eats all of his food he brings every time it rains. And in Sweden, it rains A LOT. (My version of Rainy Day)

"You're a hallucination why am I talking to you."

"I'm guessing you don't talk to water sprites well. I'm Cry."

"And I'm freaking the fuck out." Felix replies back sassily.

"Nice to meet you freaking the fuck out." Cry grins, holding out a hand. He likes this guy.

Rolling along of being lonely

Cry's lost his memory of all of his childhood. Maybe his one man can bring them all back? But, does he want all of this pain and suffering with it.

"....yes." He decides.

All I Ever Wanted

Cry realizes his feelings for Felix, but Cry's scared, and worried, and confused, and has trust issues. Pedie doesn't really know what's going on, but he wants to see Cry smile again. 

'I'm so alone, here on my own, and I'm waiting for you to come, I want to be, apart of you, think of all the things we can do, and everyday, your in my head, i want to have you in my bed, you are the one, your in my eyes, all i ever wanted in my life.'

Pretty Eyes

Felix meets a stranger at a party and now he's obsessed but the stranger leaves without saying his name or number and he gets upset and gets Ken and Jack to search around for him 'cos he's a little shit. Weeks later and he sees that shade of blue again, but the person doesn't remember him.

Just 'cause you dance on a pole, that doesn't make you a hoe

Kevin has been a stripper unwillingly for three years at the city's successful Sweet Creamy Pie. He's been forced to do things he didn't want to do, and has been abused from it, but what else does he have? No one wants him. Well, except for the friend of his boss, James Wilson...

"Why are you here?" Kevin asks, panic going down a bit.

"Because I care, that's why." James replies.

"But no one cares for me, so you're wrong." Kevin says, eyebrows furrowed.

"But I don't want to see yo get hurt anymore in anyway, so I'm getting you out of here. And if I'm correct, that's caring, so you're wrong."

Except Not

Arin's just gotten out of a divorce with his ex-wife Suzy, and he blames himself for it. Ever since then, he's thinking he's th world's most useless being ever. Danny's there to help and love.

"I'm so worthless, I'm a mess. You probably think so too, right?" Arin says to him, eyes lost and hurt and filled with tears of frustration. Danny brings a hand to wipe some away.

"Yea, except not."

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