Stargazers - Senku Ishigami x Reader

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How did this happen? I don't remember how long it's been, in honesty I'm horrible at telling the time so I think I lost count of the time after an hour. It feels like I'm drifting through a void, everything is pitch black and I keep falling asleep almost. I feel so light yet so heavy at the same time, all I ever seem to think about is songs I used to like and fond memories with Senku, Taiju and Yuzuriha. I really miss them.

I really hope I'm not dying, or that this isn't the afterlife. In honesty this is kinda scary and extremely dull, being suck in my own thoughts for what's had to be the longest quietest time in my life. Not that I'd say I'm boring, but I have run out of memes and vines and songs to repeat to myself in my head on repeat, that makes me miss Taiju and his rowdiness even more and Yuzu and her laugh and girl talk, not to mention Senku and all his weird science speech.

Man, I miss the random Science jargon, more than I miss anything to be honest. I think he is what I miss most; I can fondly recall stargazing with him sometimes on clear nights, relaxing under the stars, listening to him rant about science. Not that I understood it all, but I would be lying to say I didn't find it fascinating. Or rather, I would be lying if I said I didn't find him fascinating. I truly would give anything just to see him again and the other two.

I wonder how many times I think about him and the fond memories of our old life. I truly hope they are all doing ok, Senku, Taiju and Yuzu. Byakuya, grandpa too! I can't remember my parents ever really being around, it's always been me and my grandpa! And Byakuya, he treated me like part of his and Senku's family since I was little, I will forever be grateful for everything he did for me. Though he did tease me a lot because he probably saw it before I did, the fact that I like- no I love Senku. I hope he is doing well too!

If this isn't the long afterlife and is instead some sort of long cryo-sleep, then I sincerely wish to see them all again. I want to make more memories with everyone, to laugh with them and cry with them and be scared with them... I can't let go just yet!

Just at that I heard a loud cracking noise, coming from all over. 'Huh?' I thought to myself as the cracking grew louder, then I opened my eyes, a crack opened enough for me to see the brightly shining moon, with hundreds of thousands of twinkling stars shining among the colorful night sky. Possibly the clearest sky I've ever seen. I was completely mesmerized by the sky, wondering if you could possibly see other galaxies, it was so clear and pure, something you could never truly see before whatever occurred.

As I stared at the sky, mesmerized, the stone incasing my body quickly cracked off more and more, allowing my skin to breathe, when enough stone cracked off, I began to sit up, my eyes still glued to the sky before I heard a familiar chuckle from behind me. I turned around, eyes wide and mouth agape to see Senku, standing with a soft smile. His hair still stood the same as always, his crimson eyes reflecting the glow of the moon and twinkling stars.

He approached me slowly, almost hesitantly as a soft smile crossed my features, yet tears began to prick at my eyes and threaten to spill. He finally stood in front of me, reaching out his hand to me. His hands looked slightly calloused like he had been doing somewhat heavy work. I slowly reached out my hand and placed it in the palm of his.

"Did you have a nice rest sleeping beauty? You sure missed out on a lot."

"You always did complain that I slept too long," I giggled "I'm so glad that you found me!" I replied happily,

"Well duh. I would've went looking for you anyway." He replied, turning his head away for a mere second, a faint red tint crossing his face as he attempted to pull me up, failing slightly as he wasn't... exactly... physically strong.

As I stood, more stone fragments fell off me. Looking at his clothes was strange; he wasn't wearing the lab coat I was so used to (not that he only ever wore a lab coat, but it was still strange to me.) It was then I had a moment of realization and panic. I immediately looked down to look at myself, luckily I was wearing what seemed to be a fitted dress... I tilted my head and looked at Senku with a strange expression.

"What- YOU DON'T THINK I DID THAT! Jeez, moron, it was your best bud Yuzuriha. We've been awake a lot longer than you, we even fought in a war you know." At that Senku smirked, showing a somewhat devilish expression but his eyes seemed sad. At this I also frowned. "Hey, don't be sad, you just got here. I made sure that when you came back it would just be me and you. Like the good old days, after all I suppose I have some time to indulge myself in things I like when I have the time." He smiled at me, his gaze softening once more.

"For a smart man you sure are an idiot, Senku." I smile, giggling softly, taking my hand from his and jumping into him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"WOAH!" Senku shouts as we slowly tumble to the ground together. He looks annoyed for a moment before his expression becomes soft once more and he placed one arm around my back and the other on top of my head that was now resting on his chest. "I have a lot to fill you in on, my little moron." He petted my head and chuckled softly.

"Hey!" I complained, "I know you must have a lot to tell me, but can we stay like this just a while longer, you intellectual idiot?" I asked, nuzzling my head further into his chest, my face flushing red.

"Sure, let's watch the stars for the first time in over 3,700 years." He said with such an ordinary tone that I could've almost brushed over the fact he said 3,700 years. ALMOST.

"I WAS ASLEEP FOR HOW LONG!" I raised my head and stared at him with a shook expression.

"Jeez, even the big oaf can be quieter than you, sleeping beauty but I gotta admit, I have missed you. Maybe a little more than I should have." His face flushed upon admitting this along with mine.

I rolled off Senku, onto the ground next to him with my arms to my sides, looking up at the sky before I felt his hand on mine once more, my head turned to face him, his eyes glued to the sky, glittering with joy as he stared at the mass of twinkling stars and wonder. After seeing such a happy childlike expression, how could someone not feel entirely at peace, I smiled widely as my gaze returned to the vast ocean of stars above me, breathing in the cool, clear night air deeply.

For a while we lay there in a peaceful, happy silence, holding hands, staring at the stars. Even though we weren't speaking it's like we still knew all the emotions we both held, sharing them as we shared this time together. We didn't need words in this moment, we just needed to be here, now. This precious time that I must now make up for.

After a while, I try breaking the silence, thinking back on our conversation from earlier.

"Senku?" I called his name softly as he tilted his head towards me, replying with a soft 'Hmm'. "I missed you too." I tilted my head to him, our gazes meeting. "I kept thinking about you, you know. And Taiji, Yuzu, Byakuya and grandpa of course! But... mainly you..." I mumbled the last part slightly, embarrassed.

"Y/N..." Senku trailed off for a moment before shaking himself of his thoughts, sitting up slowly as I followed his action. "I always thought love was illogical, but in honesty... jeez I suck with this whole romance thing so..." He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead. Immediately my hand reached to the spot he pecked; my mouth agape as we both sat blushing, eyes wide.

"Senku, I-"

"Y/N! WE MISSED YOUUUUUUU!" Screamed an incredibly familiar voice as Yuzuriha and Taiju came running to our sides. Senku and I noticing our close-proximity, leaping back slightly.

Then we all spent time together, as a group. This is exactly what I wanted. To be with these 3 and I had my time with the man I love too. Nothing could make me happier than I am right now, even if I didn't get to say those 3 important words to him, I think that our gazes toward one another said more than words ever could, at least until the time is right. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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