The Hidden Box

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"When are you going to tell the girls who their real father is, Xena. They're old enough for you to tell them.."

"I don't you think they'll be mad at me for not telling them sooner?"

"I'm not sure. But they'll understand when you tell them the full story."


—(months later)—

(Ella's Pov)

The Female Titan was captured. Turns out that it was Annie Leonhart who was the Holder of it. I still can't believe that she was the one who wiped out the Levi squad- the only survivors being Eren and captain Levi. They were the strongest squad in the survey corp!...and to be butchered like that in cold blood is....absolutely Horrific..

Before the discovery of the female titan, Aella thought about transferring to the Survey, she's just been silent. Maybe from the shock. And honestly..I can't blame her.

But wait..

Annie was a Titan shifter.. and joined the military..what if there's more of them? Eren DID mention the colossal and the armored Titans.

...what if they're also shifters and are also hiding in the military? Blending in so they don't get caught as well...


Tch..they're hiding right under our noses. And once we're at our low, that's when they probably plan to attack and destroy us all..

A bead of sweat trickled down my face as I was lost in thought.

The enemies are in the military..

But who?

We already know one of the 3 Titans is Annie. So what about the others?

I thought back to when the 104th squad had graduated.

Me, Aella, Bijin and Annie were the only ones in our year who went to the Military Police Brigade while everyone else has joined the survey corp...wait..


That's right...THE SURVEY CORPS!

They're probably hiding there!

Yes! But who? Hm... I don't know yet..but I'll wait for them to slip up even a tiny bit..and I'll probably be sure on just WHO those damn shifters could be!

<end of POV>

Meanwhile Melody..

Melody stood on a building rooftop, observing the scenery of the tall walls of Sina. A few days ago, Titan Eren and Titan Annie fought. Annie was defeated and crystallized herself and was taken away by the survey corps.

Melody's mid-length brown hair gently blew with the breeze, as well as her white dress and small grey jacket.

'Annie Leonhart. Possessor of the Female Titan...' she thought to herself.

Behind her, was Xena who had a worried expression on her face. That Annie girl worked in the same branch as her daughters....that monster!
Who knew that her daughters has always been around such a dangerous person?
Who knew that SHE has always been around such a dangerous person?!

She was even alone with that girl once to pack gear....she could've easily been killed without anyone noticing..

Xena was starting to have second thoughts about her kids joining the military as's too dangerous!
The enemy is hiding and won't show itself until the right them.

Melody sensed Xena's uneasiness and turned to her. Her emotionless red eyes staring at Xena's glum crystal blue ones.

"Are you worried about Aella and Ella?" Melody asked her. Xena hesitantly nodded.

"Hm. You don't have to worry about them. They're strong and wise." Melody then turned her attention back to the scenery. "And plus.." she paused.."whoever that Annie girl was working with, I believe they are in shock as well and will have to postpone their plan for the time being. I believe the military are on high alert now and those scums are probably keeping a low profile so they don't end up like their friend. Heh." The mini Titan inwardly smirked. But it went unnoticed as she wore a black face mask to cover the bottom half of her face.

Melody's statement put a confident smile on her face. Her daughters are safe! For now at least.
"Right! I hope that when these guys are caught, they'll pay for the destruction they had caused 5 years ago!" She said, causing the Titan to nod in agreement.

'Just give me some time...once I fully get all of my memories, I can help you guys and figure out a way to end the suffering and despair the Titans cause and free you humans.'


Commander Erwin was going through some of the 104th cadet corps files when one dropped to the floor and accidentally opening. The file belonged to Aella Riverson. Erwin was about to close it and place it back to its spot when something caught his eye. He opened it and began reading through.

He slightly gasped.

"Isn't that Eren's...."


Xena held a average sized baby blue box. It was slightly covered in dust. She walked towards the creaky floorboard and pried it open then putting the box inside. She stared at the box for a while before closing the floor over it.

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