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Alejandro Marquez sat at his desk, filling out paperwork as he wrote quickly with his quill.

Suddenly, the door opened. A short and plump man entered the office. "Boss!" he exclaimed. "Are you finished with the paperwork?"

Alejandro looked up from his papers. "Hello, Melvil," he mumbled. "What brings you here?"

Melvil beamed. "I just wanted to check on you, sir." He threw his hands in the air, but ended up bumping a jar of ink on Alejandro's desk.

"Do you have  to be so clumsy?!" he screamed. "Now look what you've done- how can I fill out the paperwork?"

Melvil's face flushed red with embarrassment. "Boss." he said, "you're always busy with paperwork, and it's made you extremely grumpy. Can you ever take a break?"

"No. This is what I do."

"Oh," mumbled Melvil.

"Wait. I found a clue!" exclaimed Alejandro. He started flipping around the pages in a large book on his desk and read some lines that were said on one of the pages.

This way of posession

is nothing I can mention;

but one thing you may see

might even be the key...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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