Prologue. Darkmoon Citadel

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Hello everyone! This book has been translated from Russian, so the author apologizes in advance for all kinds of errors in the text. Enjoy reading!

I close my eyes, but it doesn't help. In the darkness, the fire burns even brighter.

Susan Collins

Darkmoon Citadel, March 2000. 

The meeting place of the White and Black King, the Citadel was calm and quiet as always. The rays of the early sun, which had not yet completely warmed up the earth, made its way into the room through huge windows all over the wall, through picturesque stained-glass windows, which contributed to good lighting in the hall. A middle-aged man sat at the base of a long marble table. His long blond hair lay smoothly on strong broad shoulders, and his gaze showed such traits of his character as fortitude and wisdom, which were unconditionally a sign of the well-deserved title of King. Around the man stood two guards, whose duty was submissive service to the ruler of the local lands. Despite his equanimity, the King was still worried about something. Perhaps, glancing at him through their fingers, outsiders will not feel this excitement, expressed in his restless posture, in the eternal correction of the golden collar on a white caftan. And although the man understood that his true state could not be found out by the people, he knew that he could not hide it from Him. In a moment there was a knock that swept throughout the room. The king immediately straightened up and tried to remain calm.

—Come in, —he ordered majestically. After the approval of the King, the doors are opened by two guards and a young man, dressed in a white wrap-around robe, wearing a small cap on his head, enters the hall, which speaks of his belonging to a certain class. The young man bows in respectful obeisances and begins to speak,

— Oh, Great Sage Ruler of the Darkmoon Citadel, let your slave notify you of the arrival of the Black King on the castle grounds. He asked you to convey that he is waiting for an early audience — after the words on the guy's face you could see the protruding drops of sweat, and after the completion of the "tongue twister" there is a slight, almost imperceptible relief.

— Tell the Black King that Margulis is ready to accept him. Let him urgently come to the hall, order the servants to serve dinner a little later, — the King made a decision.

— As you wish, King, - again an etiquette bow and the young man has already disappeared behind the doors of the royal room.


Finally, the doors opened wide, and the servants entered the threshold with their heads respectfully bowed, whose attire was clearly different from the local Novilyans. They were dressed in black uniforms with a white crossed out circle on the chest, on their faces there was a steel mask, so the faces of the servants were almost impossible to see. Having built a small corridor, after the last ranks had left, a tall man appeared on the threshold. Despite the benevolence that was read on his face, the local servant immediately felt an incredible dark power emanating from the guest. The fragile aura of the place swayed after colliding with such a blob of negative energy. But nevertheless, the White King was impenetrable, he also remained seated and patiently waited for his brother to sit down in the seat prepared for him.

 — Greetings, Margulis, brother,— the Black King broke into an infectious smile and manneredly opened his arms, as if embracing a man.

— I'm glad to see you too, Angmara, take a seat,— Margulis gestured to him where the guest was supposed to sit.

The Black King sat down without further ado and showed his readiness to listen to his brother. Both rulers understood that a lot would be decided from this meeting. Such advice was gathered in the Citadel on very important occasions. Angmara has no right to leave its rightful kingdom and be present in the Holy Place of Abundance for too long. But as the rulers of two important foundations of life, they were obliged to meet in one place once a year to take stock, propose ideas, and solve important issues to preserve the world balance.

—I called you, because the situation, which we will later begin to discuss, requires urgent action, otherwise it threatens the disappearance of the balance on Earth, and you know that it is our duty, as rulers of the Supreme and Lower Kingdoms, not to allow this,— began his monologue Margulis, periodically fingering his thumbs on his hands,— I think you have already guessed that we are talking about the enmity of one of the most powerful creatures of the Dark World—Slenderman and Zalgo.

 At the mention of these names Angmar tensed with displeasure. Despite their greatness, these creatures possessed the same strength and power among their own, as he himself. This situation was also unpleasant because the Black King hoped to solve this issue on his own, and not bring the matter to the Council in the Citadel, but everything went too far, so now he was required to make wise and correct decisions. Seeing that his brother understands what is at stake, the White King continued,

—They have sparked a blood feud, tying innocent souls to their dirty games. And also, they dared to break the law of the "Dark and White Kingdoms": Slenderman attracted lost souls, people whose destinies are saturated with blood and pain. It is also rumored that Zalgo plans to leave his geek, and you know how dangerous the children of the Demons are, —going deeper into the problem, the King's voice became more and more intense, every now and then raising his voice, almost breaking into a cry, —we must stop them, Angmar, I wonder how you still haven't taken action. 

 The Black King's face expressed displeasure at his brother's words. There is not a trace of the old friendliness,

—I understand your concern, brother, I have already taken a number of measures to eliminate the threat from their enmity, but to no avail. But I have a plan that will be useful for an indefinite period of time and will give us more time to make a final decision. Indeed, this is more difficult than it seems: to stop the High Demon and the representative of the Great Family of the Faceless Slenderman, whose ancestors were the rulers of the Dark Kingdom even before our dynasty gained power and strength.

—And what do you suggest?— Asked Margulis hopefully.

—We will send the Faceless One to the human world, and we will imprison Zalgo in the Underworld, from which he will not be able to get out for about 20 years. That's enough for us to take a break from their wars and come up with a more lasting solution to the problem.

—We will weaken him,—Angmar said firmly. He wouldn't dare get out of there. If necessary, he will stay there for 1000 years. They managed to find a compromise in the question and find answers.

—Then I will soon order to write a paper that will confirm their expulsion from the Dark Kingdom. The verdict will be executed a week later, but for now, not a word to strangers should remain between us, —going to a whisper, Margulis said and smiled with satisfaction.

The kings rose from their seats to shake hands and stamp their pasted notebooks. 

The Citadel of the New Moon is the main place in the White Kingdom, the location of the White King. 

The Novilians — from the word "New" (new world, new moon) —the people of the White Kingdom. 

Paste notebooks — notebooks for keeping records.


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