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bold=me talking.  italic=talking out loud.  underline=thinking. bold+italic=cold yet stern voice

your name is m/n[male name] you like; cats, video games, reading, cooking, and working out.  You dislike; being told what to do even if you don't show it, people looking down on your family name, and having people bully the ones that you cherish and are close to.  You don't mind; people looking down on you, people calling you weird, being topped[lol], 

how you act; you are soft and caring when people get to know you but you are cold at first so most people find you scary since most people think you are cold-hearted especially when you mostly give everybody a cold and emotionless stare but in all honesty, you just have trust issues after having so many people lie to you and spread rumor's about you behind your back. So after that, you put walls up and had your father change your schools after having everybody know your darkest secret, and from there on you made a promise to yourself; that you would never let anybody break your walls down even if you trust that person because you didn't want it to happen again.

things about yourself; you are 7'0 ft tall and have long raven black hair with deep blue eyes and you are 17 you were born on august 31st so that make's you a Virgo. Your sexuality is unknown to other's but you are bisexual so you go both ways. You have one parent a father and two siblings. Your love language is; physical touch.

what your father looks like; he has short black hair with some white strands here and there he has black eyes, he is in his early 20's and is 6'6 and has a light skin tone. His name is; Kaguya tatsuyami pronounced; kagu ya Tatsu Yami. Your father's personality; kind, and caring, will do anything to help somebody even if it kills him, care's about the little things way too much, and is a workaholic, my stress a little too much.  What your father like's; he like's cats, and trying to be the best father he can, listening to rain, writing, and work. What your father dislike's; fighting, yelling, raising his voice, seeing people suffer, and having his kids upset. What your father doesn't mind; his kids[you and your siblings] trying to hook him up with people no matter the gender. he is Virgo and his love language is; physical touch and acts of service.

what your sister look's like; she has short brown hair and unlike you and your father she has light blue eyes like your mother, her pronoun; she uses all pronouns.  her sexuality; lesbian.  she is 5'11 she also has a fit body due to how much she works out.  How she acts; calm, cold but still caring in a way, and sometimes acts all this and that, she is a mean girl but that is because she is a tsundere.  Her love language is; giving gifts and/or quality time.  What she likes are; snakes, video games, anime, manga, demon slayer, and working out.  What she dislikes; someone telling her that anime is for kids, hates people telling her that being lesbian isn't right[lesbian rights] hates other people bullying her crush. your sister is 19 she is a cancer

what your brother looks like; has long brown hair and has black eyes he is the shortest in the family being 5'8 he isn't fat but isn't a twink, so he's in-between. how he acts; cold, doesn't give a fuck, you could die and all he would say is lol. is secretly sweet and care's for everybody around him but is afraid someone will take advantage of that so he hides it.  What he like's; sweets, work, anime, rui-chan[levi from obeying me that you?], dogs.  What he dislikes's;non-sweet things, and horses. your brother is also 15 he is a Gemini and his love language is; unknown

you are well known for being a volleyball player, but most of the time you just play video games, you are ace in your team due to being extremely fast and quick to react you can also almost overpower anybody but you don't believe in yourself so you train quite much so you would be prepared for anything in the future or so you thought but after your mother passed away due to illness your father decided to move to a new country because of how much the united states reminded him of your mother no matter how much you guy's tried to make him change his mind, you guys even set him up on date's with people but you know that won't work but you still tried hoping that one of them would make it to his heart, but after a while yo gave up, and in the end, you guy's moved to Tokyo where you would live and grow up until you decide it's time for you to pack and move. But for now, you would stay with your father as if you leave it would break him. 


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