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Profile: Y/N L/N
Age: 15
Hero Name: Hanagoromo
Quirk: Hanahaki
His Quirk allows him to create a type of fast-acting, artificial Hanahaki disease to attack his enemies' lungs with. This can be cured by the nectar from the flowers on his head.

Profile: Setsuna Tokage
Age: 15
Hero Name: Lizardy
Quirk: Lizard Tail Splitter
Her Quirk allows her to split up her body into as many as fifty pieces. She is able to remotely make each and every one of these pieces move freely and levitate through the air at high speeds. Her pieces can also regenerate if they are destroyed or otherwise unusable.
Her pieces will stop moving if they are separated for too long, in which case they will regenerate. If she reattaches the pieces before they go still, then their time limit will reset.
*A/N: I do not own BNHA! All of the characters that you see here, aside from Y/N, belong to Kohei Horikoshi!*

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