- the raised angel -

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''and u know what?'' he muttered. his voice sounded...broken. ''it hurts''. i couldn't look at him. not like this. ''it hurts not being accepted by who you are. 'cause everytime i tell the truth i hurt people, specially the ones i love''. at that moment we looked at each other and i could see the expression in his eyes. shocked. by his own words.


hey. lucifer.


(lucifer flashback)

''i don't want you here''

''you should not be here. you belong to hell! '' said uriel.

''no! i don't belong anywhere. i'm the devil" i said, even tho i knew that was not certainly true.

''luci. you know it. mom is here, on earth. she has started a WAR against dad, she killed people here, ON. EARTH. luci, she wanted to take you to heaven, what would have happened if you would have accepted?''.

he tried to look as the innocent young brother he used to be, as if anything of this wasn't, in a certain way, his fault. ''oh. so that bad is it?''.

''you don't belon-''

''yeah! i know! shut the fukin up! ok, so i don't belong to heaven and i neither belong here, okay where shall i go? hell? no, thanks, i've been there for EONS. i don't want to be in your stupid realm, seeing all of your stupid faces'', my anger was about to burn my skin.

''u know you want, luci. but you can't because is all your fault.'' yeah, he thinks that with that sweet tone he speaks with, it doesn't make it worst. ''and mom's disappearance is also your fault, because while she was sneaking out of hell you were here, getting drunk and doing... dad-knows-what with other humans. i don't understand you. humans know nothing. they are mortals. insignificant. vulnerable. anyways, I suppose... that you are no longer that different between them, am i right?''

i hate that mocking voice he uses when he thinks he's the king of the world. the narcicist it's me, not you, stupido. '' no! u don't know anything about them!, i would have slammed his head open if I hadn't restrained myself. '' and u know why i don't want to be with all of you stupid idiots? 'cause being in heaven felt like hell for me, and being in hell felt like- well, like hell. here is the only place where i feel like home. and u know what? u. are not. invited''

''c'mon, luci. i'm your brother. don't tell me that now you are soooo in love with humans you can-'' he stopped talking and a smile appeared on his face, a smile which told me my achilles heel was no longer a secret '' wait. is it that girl, right, luci?...what was her name...''

my weak point is one thing...but how could he continue to think that he had the right to speak to me like that, or... even to speak to me. ''STOP CALLING ME LIKE THAT. you are not him! u are not amenadiel.''

''lucifer...you need to keep on. amenadiel is de-''

this is how far we had come. i will not tolerate that this bastard pronounces my brother's dignified name. '' out. now.''

''but u can't kee-''

''NOW!'' uriel's not weak, but he's always been scared of me, everyone knows that.

'' 'k... but remember the prophecy, remember what he said: when the devil walks the earth and finds love...evil shall be realesed. in that case, see you soon. i guess.''

''lucifer! are u ok?'' i said.

he looked at me like a damn psycopath ''u are definitely not ok'' i arched my forhead to see if he noticed my confusion. but he looked at me very serious and said: ''a war has just started, and this time I won't fall''

then, i understood it. the prophecy. i knew amenadiel was not lying when he told me about it. at that moment i only knew one thing right, he was not going to do this alone.

''we won't fall'' i said with a solid voice i was not expecting to come out with.

''we won't fall'' he replied looking into my eyes with a special brightness i have never notice before...


hope [a short lucifer story] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ