Chapter 1

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NOTES: I can't believe it's been over a year since I started this series. But's here, the FINAL story. The final story of all final stories. I maybe bringing this out a little early as I planned...since I'm still writing another story. Well, there's no going back now...

1. As this is a sequel, it's best to read the first five so you get the jist of what's going on. For example, Fink and KO are purple skinned/furred because they drank a formula back in the third story...which is too long to explain.

2. I do not own the characters, they belong to Cartoon network. Some are mine, like Zach etc and of course, the story is mine.

3. Some characters may be OTT (Over The Top) or OCC (Out of Character).

4. I like to write in script form. It's just easier for me.

5. This story will be M-Rated straight away...pointless being T-Rated since my other stories have strong or offensive content.

6. this is the enD! (someonE will suffer...) or...not... as it's a fAnficTion, i am in tHere!

7. Each chapter will have WARNINGS where I deem necessary in case anyone may get offended.

So, here we go...

This chapter will contain strong language, mild written gore and a quick sexual scene

Chapter 1

Zach, is an agent. An agent for any form of entertainment...he gained success with Fink and even though he did have a lot of profile clients, it was Fink who brought all the big bucks in...until Fink departed ways.

Zach was on his phone, looking at the latest news in the entertainment industry...until the door to his office was smashed open, practically coming off its hinges...and Zach almost jumped out of his chair. Fink walked in, looking angry and content on what she was going to do. Zach assessed the damage quickly.

ZACH: My door! The hell is going on? (Looks at Fink) Huh...I shouldn't be surprised that you'd do this but...then again, I wasn't expected to see you again, since you wanted off my books.

FINK: (Points) You! You tried to...get it on with me...

ZACH: What...?

FINK: You tried to rape me!

ZACH: Oh for God sake, Fink, not this again! I wasn't trying to rape you...yes, I'll admit I wanted to make a move on you but, I got my judgement didn't I? (Shows his hand) You busted my hand real good. Stabbed it with my expensive pen at that. Remember...?

FINK: (Chuckles) touched me. (Pulls out a gun and points it at Zach) I'm here to correct people who do such a thing.

Zach quickly gets up from his chair, almost tripping over while doing so...and stretching his hand out, indicating to Fink not to do anything stupid.

ZACH: Now, wait a minute, Fink. What are-

Fink only had a few seconds holding Zack at gun she pulled the trigger and only needed one the bullet ripped through his head and bursting blood, flesh and brains out the other side, splattering against the wall. Zack was forced back by the bullet and slumped against the wall...his now lifeless body sliding down the wall, as his body limped...and then falling on his front...face planting the floor, exposing the big hole in his head.

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