There you go

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Chicks chirp in the distance,

The sun beams down on all,

Sparrows fly,

As children play and call,

Flowers bloom,

And spirits rise,

Cone on spring,

And open up our eyes.


It beams down on us all,

It shimmers on every wall.

Although it is far away,

It likes to play,

Use it for everything

We use it to power our rings.

The sun is amazing,

But so are we all.


Darkness is all around,

Creatures of the night roam.

People sleep

Not wanting to meet one.


As it does every day.

A burst of light pours out of the sky.

Sunshine wakes the world,

In the same morning routine.

My parents

My parents.

Kind and amazing,

Caring, helpful and loving.

The best parents ever,

That's them!

Pandora Paired

Apprehensively, I trudged through the exotic, dense atmosphere as snapping, rustling sounds creeped through the air as I clambered over sticks and leaves. Some monumental trees stretched up high in the air, creating a canopy over the mysterious magnificent, magical world I was in. Suddenly, I heard a trickling, seeping- sound, as I spied a sapphire stream. On the banks of the river, spied squelching mud and overgrown trees with emerald, green leaves. Forming a canopy, the massive, tall, tropical trees towered over me. Not knowing what to expect, I saw an animal, not knowing what to expect a look realizing it was a hexapod (a 6 limed animal).

Pandora big description

After what felt like a million years, I started to get a glimpse of the flame coloured, monumental gas-giant that was sitting in the night sky, dotted with hundreds of thousands of glistening stars, my jaw dropped. Then I saw it, the lightning blue, perfect Pandora circling the spherical planet. For the first time in my life, I knew why I was here. This putrid, jagged spaceship was making me feel ill. As we got closer, I saw the grass-green canopy made of all and only trees. As I heard mission control, a million worries filled my head. What if I got eaten? What if I ran out of air? What if I got lost? Hundreds of butterflies flew about in my tummy. But I knew what I had to do. Getting closer, I began to see pearl white birds (well, what I thought) as a mist crept sneakily around the ship. I clipped my suffocating, de-toxified (I'm sure it's not) mask into place....

After what seemed like ages, the ship shuddered to a halt. The auto-steps - that jolted onto the forest floor - stretched out in front of me. As I stepped forward, I felt emerald, green leaves tickling my skin. I spied the gas-giant from the sky and thought, how lucky I was to be here. The branches of these leaves led onto flacking, hulky tree trunks dancing in the breeze. Slower than a sloth, I crept forward as the butterflies in my stomach that had nor come out of their cocoons came out with a BANG! My tummy lurched with fear. Sneaking, creeping vines that ran around trees looked like snakes to me! As my eyes darted to the floor, I noticed footprints crushed into the squelching, runny mud and I felt like my hear would stop beating anytime soon! My legs felt like jelly, as I heard a squawk from above. It was shrill. I wondered if I would see any creatures, but the thought of the feared Thantor sent a shiver up my spine....

As I walked on, I noticed scarlet flowers dotted about. Much to my disbelief they were globes they were so big! As I walked on, more flowers popped out. I wounded if it would be a putrid, rancid, decaying decomposing smell in my face or a lovely, sweet-smelling smell that makes me think of nice things? All of these thoughts filled my brain with ease. Most of the trees were bigger now and they were closing in fast. But I was drawn out my thoughts as a piercing, shrill squark shoved its way through the humid, dense tropical air. I stopped walking on the soft, bony mud jolting up and down every now and again to hear this sound. What was it? The navy-blue sky above me reached down and made a horrible wind, forcing me to stand still. Then I saw it. A magnificent, monumental, mysterious dia horse bigger than a car was there. Under its feet, leaves and twigs crunched loudly. My heart stopped beating. Beads of sweat dripped down my face as I thought about what it could do to me. But as it trudged towards me, I saw kindness in its eyes and my heartbeat again. Slowly slinking forwards, I raised my hand to touch its majestic head. The dia horse, which is a bird, is used by the Navi for hunting. As I touched its skin, I felt a shiver run down my spine. Its head was icy cold, and its skin was sticky. But I still touched it. But then, with a gallop for goodbye, it raced off to the other part of the forest.

As I walked further, I got to a clearing. I spied the great Hallelujah mountains and gasped in amazement. They were not only larger than 3 houses, but they were also 150 skyscrapers in the air! I noticed on the mountains there were rocks enveloped in them. My eyes widened in amazement. Jade, stringy vines that hung from mountain to mountain must have been made by the Navi. Loud rustling leaves were connected to the vines, were swinging in the breeze. Once again, a creeping swirling mist, that had engulfed all the air around it, was chocking me. Some sapphire streams were rushing about, swirling like sinkholes in the sea. As they minded their own business, I tried with all my might not to jump in and start swimming. Bu then... I heard it. The dia horse call. I wondered if I would she the one I had encountered earlier, but it was just a bird.

As I kept walking, I noticed the ground was not green anymore. Then I saw it. Manmade shaking, whirring machines as big as tsunamis. I know they were mining, rare, priceless Unobtanium but, they were ruining this awe-inspiring planet. I did not like it. The ground was cracked up, sandy ground, that was once green but not anymore. But there was hope, a rushing, lightning blue waterfall was hammering on the ground like a dagger.

Even though I had been walking quick, the sun had begun to set and leave the heavens above. Although, a moon did not take its place. Then it started, everything I saw, had started to glow. Aglow fish shimmering in the water looked like sea lanterns. Beautiful bio-luminescence animals were lighting up the ground. As trees lit up the stupendous paranormal, you could see neon, leaves covering the treetops. Who could destroy this amazing world?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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