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"Why did you change genders"


I didn't know how to tell her that it wasn't my choice. everything happened so quick. I had my months of thinking and the time to myself. But now what? what would I tell someone if they asked? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a crash from the downstairs and my name being called. 

"where not done talking about this."

We might not be done but that gave me enough time to think of some type of excuse. As we walked down the stairs I saw a frying pan fly past my face and hit the wall. 

"who the hell is throwing things!"

Things where still flying around the room as I ducked under a spoon .

Elizabeth stood behind me trying not to laugh. 


It turns out that Jessie, Jonah and Josh were all playing monopoly that ended up turning into a fight. I saw all the play cash and some real on the floor. The board was stuck in the wall along with some knives and kitchen supplies.

"This is why I can't stand it here"

I pulled a fork out of the wall and threw it as hard as I could at jessie. she easily caught it and glared at me. I took a deep breath and finally took a good look around the room.  I know that as soon as dad comes home I'm gonna get blamed for this mess. 

Jessie stood behind the couch with a pot on her head. Jessie looked at Jonah. Jonah smiled and then looked at Josh. They all smiled at each other and then faced me. 


They started picking up anything that they could potentially fight with and started walking towards me. I looked between all three seeming to know what they all were thinking. 

'lets have a some real fun'

"Elizabeth go back to my room"

She looked at me a little confused but ended up going up. All three jumped at once. Jessie was stronger than Jonah and Josh put together so she was the toughest target. Jessie tried a roundhouse kick on me but I easily deflected it. I was expecting Jessie to use Jonah and Josh as decoys.

Just when I thought I had them figured out Jessie cloned herself so now it was four on one. Not fair but ok. I kicked Jonah in his throat knocking him out. Josh could hold his own against me so while he was fighting me Jessie tried to get away from me. I kicked straight up destroying Jessie's clone. I punched Josh in his chest and he went down laying beside his twin. I connected my foot to the side of Jessie's face, taking her out too. 

I ran around the living room cleaning everything and putting everything in their respectable places. I patched the holes in the walls and picked up my siblings. I walked up  the stairs,Liz was sitting at the top. When she saw me she got up and opened Jessie's bedroom door first and then the twins. 


"your wel..."

Before Liz could finish She got a phone call. She looked at the caller ID and cursed under her breath but picked it up.


" Elizabeth where in the hell are you. your school let out an hour ago."

"I'm on my way home right now."

I stopped listening in on her call and decided to flop down on my bed. Elizabeth came over to me and poked my side. I turned my head so I was facing her. She bent down and gave me a  kiss.

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