When Hope Was High

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When Hope Was High

A Fantine One-Shot

I smiled and closed my eyes, clutching the wad of coins in my fists. The cloth bag felt frail under my touch. It was filled with coins, gold and silver shimmering things that would bring me closer to my little Cosette. 

"Don't worry my little Cosette, I'll come to get you soon." I smiled and pocketed the coins, stepping from the shelter of the factory. At one time I felt as if the other workers gossiped about me. They thought I was the quiet pretty woman to hide in the shadows and hold an unthinkable secret. But slowly the gossip receded and I was in a much more comfortable position. I brushed my gleaming silvery locks away from my pale face and exited the factory.

The streets were always busy. Sometimes unfathomably so, there was always something going on. But today it seemed oddly peaceful. I could hear the tinkling of water from the fountain and the soft cooing from a baby. I smiled, thinking of my own child, waiting for me to come and get her. Soon we wouldn't be far apart, soon I would come and get her. I walked into a building and up a long flight of wooden stairs.

I reached my small apartment and opened the door. It's a simple room, a bed, desk and window ornament it. I smiled when I saw the jar filled with my earnings upon the desk. Those earnings are my ticket to Cosette. I divided half of the coins from this week into that jar and the rest kept in my pocket for food and for my living expenses. The coins clattered into the jar. Making a melodic clinging sound. I smiled at the noise and sat at my desk. 

I closed my eyes and imagined a life with Cosette. A life I felt I was so near to, as soon as I can abandon my factory job and find another job, I will go to get my sweet little Cosette. I stare at my jar and I am fillled with a sense of warmth and hope. I was going to look for another job tomorrow, I needed my daughter with me.

I don't like to think about the man who abandoned us. After a summer he dissapeared and I never heard from him again. Yet, even though he caused such awfullness in my life, I regrettably dream he'll come back to me, that we will be able to live the years together. But I know that it is a dream that cannot be. In a way, I'm thankful I would never have to see the mystically beautiful face of the man I had onced love. Or, still love. 

Day fades into night and I climb into my bed and fall asleep under the light of the waning moon. Despite everything I am thankful to have my little Cosette, even though she is not with me now. Hope envelopes me and I fall asleep with energy and excitement for what the next day will bring. 


"I understand Monsieur." I bow my head and walk from the grocers where a beefy man with a big moustache scowls down at me. 

"Single mothers." He grumbles when I turn away and he thinks I cannot here him. "They act as if they're worth just as much as good people, the greedy fools." I shut my eyes. This is not the first time I had heard someone gossip about me like that, but it is the first time I have heard someone say that in this town. My secret had stayed well kept for a long time, I just prayed that from my string of job hunting my secret wouldn't get out. I had been asking around for jobs, informing them that I had a child. I needed to keep a lifestyle in which my daughter could stay at my side and I wouldn't risk losing my job and all I have worked for.

I walk along the cobblestone, the air smells like fresh bread and flowers. It feels oddly pleasant, though oftentimes it is not as nice as it seems. This town is infested with many robbers and many bad people who lurk around the docks with a few coins in their pockets. People stare down at me, as a woman with a child, but the men who frequently visit the docks are not looked upon as harshly. They would still be able to find work. I clench my hands into fists and take slow breaths trying to calm myself. There has to be work for me somewhere. So far I have only tried eight stores, as I approach my ninth I am filled with a sense of hope and excitement. A single "Yes," can change my life forever. I just pray that these people will accept it.

"Madamoiselle?" I push open the door to a floral shop, where a lady, about my age sits at a desk. Caring to a bouquet of roses. She looks up at me, her young eyes filled with question. She doesn't look like the judgemental type thankfully, she doesn't glare at me appraisingly. I had prepared for people who would examine me so I had dressed in my finest. I wore a lavender gown and a soft purple hat, clothes I had taken from Paris before I moved here. The woman at the seat smiles at me, 

"Yes, what may I do for you Madamoiselle?" I suddenly feel a tremor roll over me, hope coursing through my veins, flooding my systems as I utter the next words I must speak.

" My name is Fantine, I was looking for work-" I am immediately cut off by the woman. She smiles at me and nods enthusiastically, her brunette curls bouncing as she does so.

"Perfect! My name is Zephine! We need only two employees here and the last one just moved! This is a live-in job so it's very conveinent! I was planning on putting up signs but-" The woman's enthusiasm made me pleased, but also worried, I am hesitant to speak my next words but I manage to choke them out.

"But Madamoiselle, I have a child." My voice tremors when I say that and the woman's expression doesn't dampen. 

"Madamoiselle, that is not an issue, I myself have one too. The world is unjust towards us, which is why I am elated to help others like us." She smiles at me.

Happiness rushes through my veins. A foreign and true emotion I haven't felt for a long time. I put my hands over my face and let a tear drip from my eyes. Finally everything is looking up, 

"Thank you Madamoiselle!" I clutch my chest and cannot keep a smile from spreading across my face, "You have changed my life, you have brought my daughter and I back together. Now I can go retrieve her!" I spew out the words and she nods a smile spreading across her face.

"It will be a joy to have you with us, you can start any time you feel appropriate. Feel free to bring your belongings over and put them in the first room up the staircase. I am sure our children will get along finely." From the shadows a little girl with brunette curls and bright green eyes steps out, the same age as Cosette.

From my earnings I know I have enough money to take a carriage up to the Waterloo Inn and get my daughter, my little Cosette. What a new life we will share together. With the comfort of friends and the luxury of having work. I can feel my heart flutter as if wings are attached. I shake with happiness, my hands knotted together. 

"I'll be back!" I say, a grin spread wide across my face, "I'll be back in three days, with my little Cosette!" I smile and the owner of the flowershop smiles back.

"Of course Fantine!" Zephine smiles at me and I brush away the tears of happiness in my eyes, turning to the door and practically racing back to my apartment, where my jar of money is held.

"You are not far away my little Cosette." 


4 Days Later

I am filled with warmth. An overhwhelmingly beautiful feeling as I hold my little girl in my arms. How much she has grown. When I had gone to pick her up I had seen her in rags, but now with my earnings she was dressed in a soft pink dress. Her blond hair curled over her shoulders and she rested her head on my shoulders.

"My little Cosette, welcome home." I patted her back and knocked on the door to the flowershop. Zephine opened the door with a smile, her daughter stood at the door.

"Thank you again Zephine!" I said as I stepped inside. 

"I am happy to have helped you my dear Fantine." She smiled at me and I looked upwards. A single tear of happiness running down my face. I had a job, I had a home, I had a friend, and of course, I had my daughter Cosette in my arms.

"I missed you Momma." She whispered, her face was beautiful. Like sunshing and moonlight contorted into one expression, her features were soft and her eyes bright. 

"I missed you more than anything, my little Cosette."

When Hope Was High *A Les Misérables One Shot*Where stories live. Discover now