the costume

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the soft breeze came through my window, i shuddered slightly at the sudden change in temperature. sitting mindlessly reading through my emails, i barely notice Kasey standing in my doorway. she comments on the cracks that cover about 75% of my door "anger issues much?" half joking, "at least i have a bedroom door" i shot back with a smirk. She let out a small gasp and pretended to have taken offence to my comment. I felt awkward with her just standing there so i pat a small square on my bed that isn't covered in my laundry, gesturing her to sit. She flops down on my bed and begins to make small talk, our chat was quickly interrupted by my text tone going off. "who dat?" Kasey asked like the nosy b she is, "literally no idea, all it says is my name?" underneath the message it read potential spam, "huh?" i asked nobody in particular, I felt tempted to block the number but i decided it was just a wrong number, if only i knew what was about to come of it...

That night Kasey decided to sleep over, we ended up cleaning my room enough for her to sleep on some of my spare couch cushions, although we didn't sleep much. Up until about 11pm we were just watching a horror movie, nothing special just scream. That was until we heard a loud screeching coming from the front of my house, i grunted in annoyance "sorry its probably my neighbours cat, pause the movie" Kasey and i both got up, i slipped on some thongs and walked to our front lounge room to peek through the window. stuttering and almost falling backwards at the sight, i saw it, blood, everywhere. Kasey had a puzzled look on her face, "lemme see u drama queen" rolling her eyes while saying this she pulled back the curtain, her face immediately went from puzzled to horrified in a matter of seconds.

Kasey POV: i nearly fainted at the sight, I now understood why Scarlett reacted like that. Of course she is known as a drama queen but this wasn't the case. 'so much blood' was the only thing on my mind, who could lose that much blood but still be no where to be found? i felt scarlett's weight fall completely onto me, "damn ur fatttt" i realised now wasnt the time for joking.  i dragged her carefully to the rocking chair that was sat in the corner of the room, 'good enough' i thought to myself resting her head on the side of the chair. She took another daring peek out the window but to her surprise and utter shock, there was nothing, none of the blood that was previously covering the dull grass, none of the what she assumed to be flesh, only a trail of bloody footprints... 

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