𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒

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That had been a phrase now spoken so often now. That the youngest swan had even caught her father saying it occasionally. It had been three months since the sisters insane notion of going to Italy and Charlie had seemingly forgiven them. Or well forgiven lucia, bella was still grounded. And life had been going great, well as great as it could get with the threat of Royal vampires out to get you.

Bella had graduated high school. (Though Lucia can't figure out how due to how little she had been in school.) Lucia had passed her grade, the soon to be sixteen year old now a senior. And it had taken some convincing and guilt triping from Bella but Lucia decided she wanted to stay in forks to finish her senior year, afterwards she'd move away.

And by then Bella, (to Lucia's dismay) would probably be turned and living her best undead life. Speaking of Bella's future, Lucia almost cried when she was made aware of the plan. Stay forever with one person? Sounds scary.

She remembers when Edward ask Lucia for permission to propose. Her first answer was no. She hated their relationship because she saw how quickly Bella's identity just disappeared when he was around.
She had out right refused for that to happen to her sister anymore. Sure, she knew how immature she was being and that Bella might hate her if she were to find out but she didn't care. Edward made Bella do things things that normal Bella wouldn't do, Lucia had missed how awkward but sarcastic and witty her sister was.

Nowadays all Bella seemed to do was stutter and blink over Edward. The teen wanted her sister back.

After the other cullens had gotten wind of this they sat her down (alice, carlisle, esme and emmett) and explained to her how crucial her opinion on everything was. Edward that old man believed he couldn't marry Bella until he had gotten the approval of her family. And since Lucia was the only one who knew the full situation- her opinion mattered most.

Lucia didn't know if it was just the peer pressure paired with her desire to see the marriage work. Even though she knew that if this were a normal situation, they'd tire of each other and be divorced by the next year. But she had said yes. Giving her hesitant approval of Edward and thus, kick starting this cursed event.

She had threatened Edward and made him promise to protect and look after Bella when she herself was no longer amoung the living.
"If you treat her as anything less than the jewel that she is, I will magically appear from wherever the hell I am and single handedly beat your pasty ass. I've seen the volturi do it, I can do it too." Lucia was never the type to curse so edward knew that she meant it.

Edward had quickly promised that he wouldn't, quoting or saying something deep about how much he had deeply loved Bella. Lucia couldn't care less about his words. His actions said completely different and that was what she focused on. The couple brought out the worst of each other, and she still believed her sister deserved much more than she would get in the end.

On a happier note, the brunette hadn't heard any other words about her traumatic experience with the volturi since March. Which both surprised and scares her. Given the last words that she had heard before she left. "Let her go, she'll come back."

As bad as it made her seem some weird and buried part of her had hoped that the beautiful blonde was talking about her. That jane would magically appear and sweep the swan girl off her feet,but the other part of her hated that she thought that way. That she even thought at all about the distant sadist. She had tried to kill bella! Her mind screamed at her while her fingers wandered in the oh so silent lonely nights.

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