Chapter One

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It's 3:00 in the morning and they drag me out of bed. I knew it was coming. They have a sick way of making sure to taunt us just enough to make us think it will never happen, then they drag your cold ass out of bed at the crack of dawn. A bag is forced over my head and i'm plunged into darkness. It's not the most efficient heist they've ever pulled but i suppose it's better than what i expected. My ankles are bound and so are my wrists preventing movement as they hoist my body over their shoulders. I hear a grunt from my left. One that i recognize. Despite their attempts at being incognito, Dan never could learn how to disguise his voice. I suppose he's only in the Game as to be the muscle in the situation. The cold night air hits my bare toes as they wrench open the door to the dormitory and into the chilly night air. Then I'm dropped. It's not a far fall but whatever i land on has mud, leaves, and dirt in it. I reach my hands to the side trying to grasp whatever is there but my restraints don't let me go far, so i stretch my legs out as far as they go. The box feels small and compacted, but it's made of some kind of metal. The front of my box comes up and it hits me. Wheelbarrow. Thats what I'm in. Theres a shout of joy from the distance and i can hear others being pushed. So I'm not the only one being chosen tonight. I keep my legs stretching at the end of the barrow and my muscles feel like a fiery hell wishing that i could be dropped already. Theres a bump in the path and then my wish is answered. The wheelbarrow tips over and i tumble headfirst into sand. The bag is ripped off my head with such force it feels like it might take my skull with them. Opening my eyes i see 2 others. Cate and Max. It's cold out tonight so i'm glad i dressed a little more modest, i couldn't say the same for the others. Max has donned on just a pair of boxers and is smiling like this is the highlight of his life. Cate isn't much better with a cami and some bikini underwear looking slightly annoyed they pulled her from her beauty rest. Theres a campfire in front of us that seems to spread miles high into the stars above. "WELCOME" spreads a voice over the silence, "TO KILLER!" the Elders make sounds as if Indians and dance around the fire, their cloaks billowing in the wind. "This is your initiation. The sequence of events will play out however you wish them to, only one request, cover our tracks." With that Nathan gives us a wink that seems to say "or else". "Here is how the game works! Step one: pass initiation. Remington, the bucket." A stalky man that i can only describe as a skeleton steps forward with a bucket of what smells like a dead animal. "Right..." Nathan drowns out the T as he makes an X in the sand and drops a pair of sheers, "HERE!" Remington looks disgusting, but nonetheless he dumps the bucket upside down dumping the contents. "All of it," Nathan commands as if theres more horrors in the bucket of wonders. Remy looks around then reaches his hand in and pulls the rest out making a big show of wiping his hands on his Game attire. "BIND THEM!" Something, or someone, pushes me to the ground and binds my wrist with even more zip-ties. As they move to my ankles i flex my muscles as to have some room but my captor knows what i'm doing and pulls the ties even harder digging the ties into my legs and drawing blood. It hurts like hell. "BAG BAG BAG BAG" starts chanting around the camp. I don't understand what they mean until "NO NO MORE BAGS," screams Cat, "PLEASE I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC I CANNOT HANDLE THAT AGAIN!" She pleads and begs for mercy at the hand of the Game Master. Nathan sighs and walks over to her putting a hand under her chin and can see the fear in her eyes. He holds a hand up as to signal to drop the bags. "No bags this time, but you owe me one, babygirl" Cate gives a snort of disgust but also looks relieved. I feel something get tied to my restraints and hear metal clanging as it's driven into the ground. I feel it get flicked to make sure it's secure and as it vibrates it hits me *Bungee Cord* then the campfire is put out and theres nothing there. "NATHAN" i call out. It's not like i have any power over his actions. I just wish that what happened last summer would cause him to look back. "Give it a rest, Connor," Max retorts, "He wont come back for you." As much as i know this is true, his words sting. Last year at a party me and Nathan had a small.... slip up i guess you could say. One minute i'm drinking punch and the next i'm pinned to a wall needing to take breathes between kissing Nathan as if it's my last day on earth. That same night he had crawled into my dorm and tried to get in bed with me. I told him no before he even pulled back the covers. The look on his face. It's one i never will forget. Like he was astonished, somewhat scared, that someone had denied him. Poor Remington, he was my rebound when i missed Nathan. Remy and i where such good friends and now it's been messed up. I've known Remy had taking a liking to me for a while, but i never thought i would take advantage of it like that. I never liked Remy like that, and now it's a big game of Chicken to see who will talk to one another first. Back to the problem at hand, i can see Max fighting to get his post out of the ground. With a plan already in my head, and wanting to get back to bed, i make a beeline to the literal cow shit across the way. "Cate, can you come over here? Max stay at the end of my line and hold it up when i ask for more slack." Both of them understanding follow my directions. "Jeez, Connor, can you be any heavier" groans Cate, "I will gladly switch places with you." I retort. Then, once she notices i have the way shorter end of the stick she says, "Oh no i think i'm good." Max is doing good with the slack so i shimmy up Cate a little more until i can feel the steam coming from the fresh dung. *It's only grass. That's all they eat. Yeah but its grass thats been passed through 4 stomachs!* No turning back now. I plunge my face into the cow pie and wiggle around till i feel something metal. i try to hook it with my nose but it's not that pointy. * ARGHHH DON'T MAKE ME DO THISS* All i have left is my tongue. I repeat *It's just grass. Only grass* Over and over again... then i stick out my tongue with my eyes shut tight and hook the sheers. I toss them to Max with all my might and yank my head out of the grossness MY TONGUE JUST WENT IN! EW! I spit and choke while Max cuts everyone's restraints.

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