Opening my eyes to a whole new world.

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You have opened my eyes to see the beauty in life you've opened my heart and allowed me to feel its beauty exploring my mind and seeing a side of life that I thought was long lost..I was frozen and numb until you melted me with your words

Brick by brick my wall is crumbling down

having no doubt in my mind that this is right it feels like i no longer have to fight with myself... My body is at peace with itself

your touch chills my soul and warms my heart I've try to wake up from this, must be a dream but when I'm with you it feels like I'm awake and asleep balancing the two turns in into something new it must be you.. those eyes... like emerald green pools, deep emotional and pain.. those eyes.. could push a man off the edge of sanity.. into a calming insanity..


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2011 ⏰

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