Chapter 1: Destination New Orleans

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Federal Building. Wednesday, February 22, 2006.

The slice of king cake wasn't necessary, but it was a nice touch. When Neal showed up at Peter's office with two plates of the colorful pastry along with French roast coffee, Peter didn't need to be a mind reader. "You want to go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras?"

Neal grinned. "How'd you guess?"

"Clue Number One is that purple tie."

"It's actually plum-colored," Neal corrected, removing the lids from the coffee cups.

"With green medallions," Peter continued, undeterred. He tucked a paper napkin over his tie to protect it from the brightly colored sugar. "It also helps that I overheard you and Travis discussing Mardi Gras yesterday afternoon."

It wasn't a surprise that White Collar's tech expert planned to attend. His husband Richard was from New Orleans and still had family there. But Peter hadn't expected they'd want someone else along on the vacation. Besides, he'd assumed Neal had been to Mardi Gras with his cousin Henry during the years they lived on the road.

"Richard's been in New Orleans for the past week," Neal explained. "His company was so intrigued by that Cthulhu Mythos video game we invented to catch a piracy ring that they decided to explore it further. Richard's down there with a couple of other artists scouting locations and drawing concept art."

Peter remembered Richard's boss explaining that the company had been playing with the idea of a Lovecraft-inspired game for a while. "Does that mean White Collar will receive royalties? As I recall, Diana dreamed up the fictitious scenario."

"I wouldn't hold your breath."

"You mean Diana hasn't hired Mozzie to negotiate suitable reimbursement?"

"She probably would have but he's currently in Japan. He's discussing a movie idea for the Masked Avenger with the anime company that produces the cartoon series. Apparently our yellow-faced bee hero has become a Godzilla-sized Japanese sensation." Neal eyed him hopefully. "Does that mean I have your approval?"

"How many days will you be away?"

"Monday and Tuesday. We'll take the red-eye express back to New York on Tuesday night."

"So you can sleep in the office on Wednesday and call it work?" Peter challenged.

"Never," Neal declared, with a smile alerting Peter to not take his words too seriously. "Unlike some I know, I sleep very well on planes."

"Don't rub it in. When will you leave?"

"Friday after work. Richard and his fellow artists rented a house in the Garden District for a week. The others have already experienced Mardi Gras and will leave on Friday to return to their families."

Peter thought for a moment. "You're due comp time from the Wilkes case. That should take care of Monday and Tuesday. You got an early start today. If you work through lunch and put in some extra time this afternoon, no one's going to object to you only working in the morning on Friday. The same applies for Travis."

Neal's smile broadened. "I should buy you king cake more often."

Peter waved away his thanks. "I'm taking Friday afternoon off too, though something tells me I'd much rather be flying to New Orleans."

Neal winced in sympathy. "Dentist appointment?"

"Worse. We agreed to babysit a two-year-old. El's sister and her husband are going to spend the weekend at a romantic inn for her birthday. They're dropping off their kid with us."

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