Chapter 1

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Hey, you guys...

I wrote a one-shot.
A long one, though (argh).

I feel obligated to tell you guys that I suppose it can be a heavy read, especially the last part, and if you're not in the mood for that, you should probably skip this one.
I can't say too much, for I don't want to give any spoilers or make it bigger than it is, all I'm saying is that it's far from a bedtime story, hehe.

Anyway, disclaimers.

- I don't own the Biker Mice From Mars.
- English isn't my first language, so there will be grammatical mistakes, my apologies in advance.
- Constructive criticism is welcome, however, burning me to the ground is not.

This scene takes place shortly after the events of 'The Motor City Maniac'.
Let's go!

Fear Makes The Wolf Bigger Than He Is


Charley is about to find out, in the most gruesome way, that fear kills more dreams than failure or insecurity ever will.For fear is temporary.Regret is forever.Vinnie -X- Charley.

Chapter 1

Flashing lights.
The sound of thunder, somewhere in the distance.
Rain poured down on her, soaking her to the skin, but Charley hardly noticed as she sat there, on her knees.
Staring at the grass that was supposed to be green.
Everybody knew that.
There was no such thing as red grass.
It simply didn't exist.
But it was there.
Mysterious and puzzling.

Everything sounded so dull.
As if she was caught in a giant bubble, or covered by a dome made out of thick, shatter-free glass, entirely cutting her off from the outside world.
That cruel world.
God, the pain was excruciating.
It felt as if her heart was torn apart, shredded into a million pieces without mercy.
It set her entire chest on fire, making breathing difficult as well.
As if every breath burned away another piece of her.
Maybe it did.
It most definitely did.

All she could do was stare at her hands that were resting in the red grass.
Despite the dome that made every outside incentive hazy and shadowy, like it wasn't really there, she could see her hands razor-sharp.
As if her eyes suddenly had microscopical vision, which was beyond ridiculous, but here she was, counting all the small white hairs that were stuck in the red substance.
Biting her lower lip, Charley narrowed her green eyes and she tilted her head somehow confused, her breathing still rapid and irregular.

They say your life flashes in front of your eyes right before you die.
She never believed that, actually.
After all, how could anyone possibly know what happened when one died?
There wasn't really someone who lived to tell the tale, or was there?
Still, she couldn't help herself but wonder why she wasn't seeing happy memories while she sat there, almost burning away in pain.
It most definitely felt like she was dying.
Then why was his blood all she could see right now?

"Charley... Charley, what happened?"

His usual so familiar voice sounded so... strange.
Not husky, as it always did.
As if he wasn't really here, but miles away from her.
Maybe he was.
With her green eyes still fixated on her hands, Charley opened her mouth and while her lips tried to form the name of her tan-furred friend almost desperately, a tear left her wide-open eye and fell down.
Like in slow motion.
It eventually landed on her hand, right next to her thumb, blending with the blood and rain as if it hadn't even been there in the first place.

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