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summary: you and rafe's relationship hasn't been the best as of late, and the events of midsummer have only made matters worse after a fit of rage resulted in some words spilling out. rafe fixes things in the only way he knows with you. 

warnings: angst, swearing, slight manipulation, mentions of alcohol, super little fluff, not so nice kook reader

+1.7k words


your relationship with rafe had been on the rocks for a few months now. In the last few weeks, you was barely able to be alone with him and you couldn't figure out why every time you were alone it ended in a fight. As you sat in bed, knees to your chest, and hugged yourself, you replayed the most recent fight in your head. Fighting seems like the only way he knows to get rid of you, as if he doesn't want you around. midsummers was supposed to be your debut together, but of course, when the time actually came, rafe was busy getting shitfaced with topper and kelce. you had been waiting for rafe to show up so you could walk in with his family but he never did.

sarah sounded like she couldn't care less as she asked for her bother's whereabouts. "have you seen rafe? were supposed to walk out in 10 minutes and no one has heard from him" 

"nope, I'm looking for him too..." you trailed off looking around the room once more to see if he was in near before sighing.

you spend the rest of midsummer hanging out with Sarah and wheezie before spotting rafe as you were bout to leave. he was with topper and kelce walking up from the beach obviously drunk - walking in a zig-zag and grabbing onto topper shoulder for support. "shut up, man at least we're here now" you hear rafe mumbled, probably in response to one of the boys on either side of him. 

as soon as rafe sees you his demeanor changes. he freezes in his place for a second, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of this nose with this fingers. "fuck" is all he could come up with after making you wait for god knows how many hours. you scoff, turning around and walking back to your car where your parents were waiting for you. 

"y/n, wait!" you hear rafes harsh footsteps following behind you but you don't stop. 

that was only one of the events that happened this night. you back home in bed while softly crying, hoping not to wake your parents who could sense the tension between and rafe before getting in the car. your phones been vibrating on and off for the past half an hour. you know it's rafe. I mean who else would be texting or calling at 3 am. despite knowing it's him you decide to check in case, convincing yourself it might be Sarah in some trouble - although your sure it's not. 

5 missed called from rafe

rafe: pick up the phone y/n

rafe: please baby

rafe: come on how long are you going to ignore me

rafe: im coming over if you don't answer

as soon as you're done reading the text, you see an incoming call from rafe. deciding you'll eventually have to face him you pick up - it's better you don't see his face to avoid breaking down and letting him know just how hurt you are he stood you up. 

"baby" he slurs - obviously drunk you decide to tell him talk before saying anything you'll regret. 

"listen, i know what I said before" he paused for a second thinking of the right words to say before speaking again "but I just forgot ok?" you couldn't tell if he was actually sorry or just drunk sweet-talking you but your heart ached knowing he was out having fun while you were waiting for him to show up, sadly not for this first time. "babe? still there?"

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