Tina's restaurant

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Tina's p.o.v

"Beep, beep beep". I open my eyes and look towards the alarm clock. "Oh my god ! I'm late, I'm late!"

It's nine am. I was supposed to wake up at 8.30 am. Please God don't let me get fired. I took a quick shower. Put on my waitresss outfit that I ironed yesterday night. I slipped on my shoes and hoped to catch the 9:13 bus.

"Wait, wait." The bus almost sped away but stopped at the last second.Thank god. Oh it was my friend Shauna that was the bus driver. I walked in. "Hey Shauna, thanks for waiting." She smiled. "You know I'll always wait for you but you need to come earlier sometimes." She said as she turned to face the front.

I waited in silence for my stop to get there. I looked at my phone surprised I'd actually remembered to bring it. I had a new email. Hhhr another bill. I opened it. Wait this isn't a bill.

  Dear Ms. Tina Davinson,

We are pleased to inform you that you are the winner of our competition please go to McCormic assosiates to recieve your prize.

Sincerely, McCormic industries  

Wow I finnaly won something I wonder what the prize is money? "Hey Tina your at your stop." I look up. I hope Evan doesn't fire me for being late.

A sporty car pulls up. I wonder what it's doing here. I walk into my work place. "Hey guys, you think Evan's gonna fire me?'' I say while cleaning a table. Felicia comes up and laughs. " He's fired some big guy came bought the restaurant and fired him for stealing some money."

My fear returns becomes bigger what if he fires me?!. The door swings open. I got into waitress mode. I turned around. "Hello sir we are not yet open we open at 10:15 please come by then." I put on a smile. The man looked at me.

Then he started coming into the restaurant. " I'm the owner of this junk yard". I looked at him why would he want to buy a restaurant, doesn't he do like busineess stuff.

He looked at her blankly,"You are getting promoted to head of this branch, you'r salary is now $600 per hour, do you need anything?" He said bored. Wait. why's he giving me all of this. He doesn't even know me.

"Thank you sir, how can I repay you." I don't even know how I can thank him all my money problems are gone. "Do me a favor and take care of this whole restaurant and leave everything away from me. The restaurant can use my account for any expenses." He said that and left.

"Well guys, I'm your new boss.''


  Several hours later

I need to go to that McCormic industries place for my prize. I'll go to church after that because God answered all my prayers.

I locked the place up which I was used to. I flagged a cab down. And entered it. "Hey sir can you take me to McCormic industries?" He looked unsure. "Sure but you have to pay me extra because those people are scary." I waved it off. I'm filthy rich now but I still need to becareful with money.

"Here we are ma'm." I paid him and left. Wow this place is huge and it's a businnes center. All those agent people are looking at me weirdly.

I walked up to them. ''Hi I won a competition and I was told to come here to come and receive my prize so where do I go get it." Trying to be pleasant. They looked at each other and nodded. "Um can you show me proof of this ma'm." They didn't believe me. I showed them the e-mail. They nodded again.

"Madam please go to the 10th floor to Mr. McCormic's office to receive your prize here is a card for you to enter." They seemed more pleasant some how.

I went on the 10th floor and it asked me for a card which must be the one the guards gave me. I knocked on Mr. McCormic's office. "Please come in."

I came in the room and didn't believe who I saw. My new boss who bought the restaurant. He was facing the window so he couldn't see me."Well I'm sure you know the price you worthless golddigger." what. "Excuse me sir but I don't even know what the prize is so you have no right to call me a golddigger!" The nerve of the man. "Yeah right", He snorted. "When do you want the wedding?" Wait did he just say wedding! ''W-w-wedding? he turned around. He looked up ''Yes you and I are getting married that's the prize?, don't try to play innocent with me." He smirked. I was so shocked, I don't want to get married.'' Wait aren't you the girl that is in charge of my restaurant." He said skeptic. I nodded.

" Well here is the key to the mansion you can go there right now cause i'm staying late." He tossed some keys at me and got on his laptop.

Billion dollar loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن