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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Eragon who lived with his uncle and cousin. His uncle was nice to him but made him work hard due to them living a few miles away from town. His cousin was pretty nice too and treated him like a brother. The reason he lives with them is because his parents died a horrible, tragic death when he was born. Oh well, whatever happens happens, right?

One day, Eragon decided he would go on a hunting trip for about a week. On the final day of his hunting trip, he was stalking a doe. The doe had a limp leg and was a lot slower than the rest of the herd; easy prey for any predator.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion within the forest which frightened the doe, making it scamper off. Eragon is also frightened by the loud noise but goes to investigate what may have happened after losing his prey. He discovers a large blue stone in the middle of the wreckage of the explosion and decides he will try and sell it due to losing the deer.

Back at home, Eragon shows both his uncle and cousin the stone he found before heading off to town to sell it. No one buys the mysterious blue stone so Eragon decides to keep it. At home once more, Eragon heads to bed tired and in need of some good rest.

The next morning, Eragon discovers the stone in pieces, but it turns out it wasn't a stone but an egg. A dragon egg to be exact. The baby dragon was about the size of a house cat and its scales the color of sapphires. Eragon holds out a hand to touch it gently but when making contact with its scales, a charge of energy shocks his hand leaving a scar to remind him.

Eragon ends up hiding the baby dragon in the woods and running off ever now and then to feed and take care of it. Eventually, the dragon is nearly halfway grown and very large.

One evening, Eragon wonders off into the woods to feed the blue dragon but he is not greeted like he usually is. The large dragon snarled and hissed at him as he approached it. Eragon was confused why it was acting like this and held out the venison he had brough for it. The dragon sniffed at the raw deer meet before snapping at it with its large mouth full of razor blade sharp teeth. Before Eragon could retreat his arm, the dragon bit down on it forcefully, breaking the bone. Eragon screamed out in pain as the dragon continued to bite down as it shook its large head side to side. Eragon continued screaming as he lost the strength in his legs and fell to his knees, his knees sliding across the ground as the dragon swung him by his mangled arm.

Tears fell off of the boy's faces as he cried; the pain was unbearable!

His arm still inside the beast's mouth as it swung its head back quickly and forcefully, pulling the boy off the ground and into the air. Its powerful jaws letting go of the boy's arm as it flung him up, into the air. Before Eragon could start falling, the dragon caught him in its mouth and swallowed him whole.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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