A childhood friend

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You and hawks sort of grew up together. We'll sort of. Your parents enrolled you into the commission under false information. Instead of telling them that it would be a life long investment for you. They said it was to help better understand your quirk. In the 2 years you were there though you kept randomly seeing a boy around your age that had vibrant red wings, messy blond hair, and small marks around his eyes.

While you both were separated you played with the toys they gave you while they did some tests to see why exactly your quirk came earlier than the normal. Only 4 in a half and your quirk slowly started to manifest starting with your horns  and wings sprouting at the age of 3. And now at your current age, not even five, your actual quirk had already grown.

Your quirk was called nature wings. When you activate your quirk you could choose between either fire, ice, or wind to control. Your wings are the main source of your power and with a single flap could freeze, melt, or blow away a city. Your horns were almost  like antennas, the colder the environment felt the warmer your body would get. And the warmer your surroundings the cooler and more comfortable your body would get. While you used your ability your the cracks and turns in your horns along with the tip of the feathers would glow either red for fire or heat, white for ice or cold, or purple for wind like the tips of your hair while your roots were white almost silver.

The comision trained and pushed you mentally almost taking your childhood away. They exhausted you no matter what you begged and cried wanting to go home and play with your friends or see your sister who didn't have a quirk yet. You both were twins and never separated so having all of this happen so fast and harsh. You could remember the times where you kept crying curled up in bed wishing to go home and never come back.

One night while you cried and tried to sleep. You could hear someone whispering through the air vent.

"Pssst....pssst hey"

You stoped crying to see who was talking. "Who is that" you looked around but didn't see anyone around. You then slowly got down from your bed and  walked closer to where you heard it from. "H-hello?"


"Who is it.....where are you"

"I'm Keigo Takami.....I heard you crying....is everything okay?"

You teared up again. "NO IM NOT....I want my mommy" you started to cry while holding your face.

"I know....you're lonely...me too" his words caught your attention and made you look up from yo hands. You sniffled and went closer to the vent. "If you want. We can be friends"

"W-...weally?" You spoke and acted just like a toddler.

"Yeah....I'm in the room above you...if you want...we can talk all the time." A small red feather floated out the air vent and stoped in-front of you. It stayed for a few seconds till it went around you and tickles your wings and neck getting you in a much happier mood. Your giggles travels up the vent and put a smile on Keigo's face.

"Your the boy with the wings right?"


"Your deaths are so pretty." You grabbed the feather and hugged it.

Ever since that night you and keigo talked when you both were in your rooms you talked nonstop about what you both liked and love to play with until your parents found out what they were doing to you they came and grabbed you from your room and pulled you away from the vent. You yelled out to Keigo saying that you have to go and held onto his feather hiding it. He told you about his quirk and how he knows where his feathers are and can feel with them. He told you to hold onto the feather and ever since then you have kept the feather and never go anywhere without it.

New story!!
Show some love and maybe
I'll keep it going ☺️❤️.

704 words

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