1st September 2016

6 0 0

Dear Diary,

Today was my birthday! I was so excited to get lots of presents and stuff but also to spend time with my family. I woke up at around 10am which is really late for me and I took my time this morning to get ready to go to my parents house by 2pm.

As usual for family gatherings, I was fashionably late however my auntie stephanie can never make it on time and always has to be at least 40 minutes late so I was never gonna be last.

I got a lot of cool presents and stuff. Lots to help me for school, clothes and a few games but also money for games I enjoy to play such as Valorant and League of Legends. I also got D'Va, Sigma and Tracer Pop Figures as they are my overwatch mains. Just by playing D'Va and Sigma I got to top 50 in the Asian region in game and when I'm bored I just play tracer. The present that was most interesting of all to me though was this Diary. I dont know why I would need a Diary however I'm gonna update it every day and see if there is a use for it.

Obviously because it's my family drinks were flowing quickly and my auntie stephanie was drunk within like an hour she drank so much... I'm not much of a drinker at all so being around my family can be strangle because they all drink a lot and I'm not a fan.

We then ate food and played a few games, nothing very interesting happened apart from when the cat jamp out the bathroom window and landed on my drunk aunt stephanie's head who flung the cat at me who had to deal with being scratched by the cat several times.

That was it though, I came home and immediately started writing in this diary. I'm probably gonna try and do some homework tonight because in my school they gave us homework before school starts to be due in the second week do I'm planning to start it tonight before falling asleep.

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