cliche y/n story pt 1 sfw

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okay you can just imagine this as whoever you want

f/m = female + male couple

you're y/n


Y/N pov

2:35 pm friday

I was walking back from school, it was hot and I was tired. A soft wind blew my way as I walked home, hair blowing in my face (which is annoying)

I sprint to my room the second I walk inside the house, forgetting to take my shoes off.

I toss my backpack to the floor and slam dunk my bed. It was so hot outside, but luckily my room is cold. Sometimes that can be a struggle though, because I always need about a million layers of blankets n comforters covering my body at night, sometimes I can see my own breath. I swear I live in a freezer.

7:46 pm

I'm chilling on my couch watching [show you like] and my phone disturbs my show, buzzing loudly.

I pickup my phone, it's a call from my friend, [insert friends name]

Friend : heyyyy are u heading to that party tonight??

Y/N : Idk, I'm kinda tired

Friend : come onnn girl.. [your crushes name] is gonna be there too

Y/N : I guess I'll go, what time n place

Friend : ugh I told you this already, it's at kims house

Y/N : which kim

Friend : kim K you should know what I'm talking abt by now.. the other kim is so caught up with hw n stuff, she would NEVER host a party ☠️

Y/N : ig you're right

Y/N : anyways you still didn't tell me the time

Friend : 9:00 pm you better get ready lmaoo

Y/N : well shit

Y/N : don't expect me to show up looking like a 10/10

Friend : you got plenty of time shut up

Friend : now stop talking n get ready

I turn my phone off and rush to my closet, hurriedly looking for something that looks okay ish

I find a really pretty [short dress of your choice]

"When did I have this?" I thought.

I gently take it off the hanger and check in the mirror if it would fit me, luckily it fits!

I slip on my dress and look at myself for a bit in the mirror

im such a girlboss.......

I grab my brush and go to the bathroom and brush my hair. It looked like a rats nest before, but now it looks soft n fluffy

"I should brush my hair more" I thought.

8:47 pm

I slid out of the window and take my mom/dads car.

I never told my parents that I was going to a party, since the invitation was such a short notice. If I told them now, they'd say no and I'd be bored stuck at home, and I wouldn't be able to have a chance to talk to [crushes name]

Luckily the garage door was already open, if it wasn't then I'd accidentally wake up the whole house with that loud ass machine.

I pull out of the driveway, and search up directions to kims house.

Isn't she a multi millionaire? This is gonna be fun!


9:00 pm

Finally, I'm on time to something!

Usually I'm late to events, but today I was right on time! Today's my lucky day.

The doors already unlocked, so I freely let myself in.

I scan the room for my friend, and quickly run up to them.

Friend : hey!! you made it! here I was thinking you'd be 30 minutes late, good job!

Y/N : yeah haha, I was just early this time, dk how, maybe it's just my lucky day.

Friend : or MAYBE you're just excited to see [crushes name]

I tense up a bit and get quiet

Friend : aw dw I like the silence too

Y/N : I'm not excited to see him or anything, I just wanted to hangout with you haha

They are so right, they are so so right. I really want to see him, I've always been scared to talk to him since he's always around a big group of people, but now I might have the chance!


my friend was making this dumb smirk the whole time, they were trying so hard for me to spill the truth, but I'm not ready


Me and [friends name] split up because they wanted to underage drink. I stood in the crowd of drunk teens awkwardly, looking for someone to talk to or someone I recognize.

Then, I see him. [crushes name]

gonna make a part 2 soon lol

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