Magic is Real?

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A loud knock resounded from Selena's door. The noble was jolted out of her thoughts, she was staring at a list of kingdoms her family was currently trading with. Selena quickly rolled up the list and pocketed it before heading to the door. Perhaps her father was finally home and they could discuss visiting the capital. However, the person outside spoke before she could reach the doorknob.

"Countess Selena Bohng, due to possible acts against the church and suspicion of witchcraft, you are to be executed at the dawn of the following day."

The voice sent shivers down her spine, the church was willing even to execute high nobles for something so random. She knew she couldn't outrun the Inquisitors. Selena quickly grabbed a compass and her expensive watch. She was about to climb through a window when the voice spoke again.

"Your crime in question is suspicion of conspiring against the church as well as witchcraft. Unbolt this door or we will force our way in."

Selena pushed through the casement window in her bedroom and climbed out. She couldn't believe what she was being charged with. Missing church due to advising the Duchess on economics was an act against the church. She groaned in annoyance, in that moment of distraction, Selena's foot clipped the side of the window. The Inquisition no doubt heard Selena's ungraceful thud against the pavement out back. The officer started yelling his orders.

"Go around back, if you can't find her inform the constables."

Selena began sprinting north, the closest gate was in that direction. She had to get out of the kingdom. Perhaps the nearby kingdom of Zenokar would take her in, the two countries were at war anyways, they would hopefully accept helpful refugees.

The tempo of the horses' march reached Selena's ears and she quickly hid between the gaps of two buildings. Two constables were patrolling the road bordering the precinct, she had to find a way to get to the other side of the street. She took a breath and stepped out, if she was lucky, the news hadn't reached the officers here yet.

"Good day constables. I need to deliver a document to the lieutenant who is residing in the second precinct. Is there a shortcut you know of?" Selena asked nervously. The constables pointed to a pathway through the gap of some buildings.

"This way will cut down your time by half, Ma'am. Good luck on your travels." The constable pointed his baton towards a small pathway through a cluster of houses. Selena profusely thanked them and walked until they were out of sight, she then broke into a full sprint again. Selena could see the second precinct coming into view, the second precinct had a gate that led straight out of the kingdom. Selena hoped she arrived to the gate before the Inquisition.

Selena ran past the groups of peasants who shot her strange looks, some of jealousy and mockery. She started approaching the gate but froze in terror as a member of the Inquisition was talking to the guards at the gate. Selena was about to run for the next gate but the church official turned and spotted her. He took a path straight towards Selena, she panicked and prepared to take off. She was stopped by the inquisitor's voice.

"Ma'am, you shouldn't be out this late." The member of the Inquisition called out to Selena and she took a breath of relief. Perhaps this one wasn't one of the inquisitors hunting her.

"Apologies! My brother is returning from a patrol and I'm here to bring him home safely!" Selena lied and the member of the Inquisition nodded. There was in fact a patrol out at the moment, Selena kept the part of her brother being a chevalier quiet.

"Don't stay out too late. This precinct is full of criminals and peasants. You wouldn't want to interact with them." The church official started heading away and Selena approached the guards as calmly as she could.

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