One of Us Has Got To Change

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"Are there any left with a longer skirt, maybe?" you ask, peeping outside the dressing room of the Halloween party supply store. The door next to yours creaked open and your best friend's purple hair fell over her shoulders as she eyed you in her sexy nurse dress.

"That's what you get for skipping out on shopping with me two weeks ago when I offered." She pointed an accusing finger at you. "You get stuck with the skimpiest costumes."

You fidgeted with the door handle. "You know why I didn't want to go in the first place.."

"Well, look at it this way," she said with a smirk and an arched devious brow, "if they're there, Obito will be drooling all over you and Rin'll be jealous. Probably pitch a little bitch fit and run away cryin'." Konan barked a laugh and shut her door with a snap before you could argue. You groaned extra loud to be heard over the drone of the air conditioner above you for good measure.

The thin mirror on the back of your door already pointed out the flaws in the costume. Since bralettes became trendy, you haven't owned a real, padded bra in years. Unfortunately, as comfortable as they were, they were lacking in one department.

The flimsy school girl uniform came with an extremely cropped white shirt that hid absolutely nothing. The pleated mini skirt even less so.

You shuffled around your clothes on the stool in the corner in search of your glasses and put them on to further scrutinize the outfit.

As your eyes came into focus, you realized while you were busy complaining about the logistics of walking around and not giving everyone a free show, you didn't take into account the colors.

The skirt, the sailor collar, the tie.. They were your college's colors. The very same ones anyone into sports wore on game days. Great, a cherry on top of your sundae. Your wonderful luck is ever presenting itself in miraculous ways.

Obito would most certainly be there tonight and he would most certainly think you chose them on purpose.



"Thank you." Konan opened the ride share app on her phone and rated the driver; a rather nice man sporting a bowl cut who had a penchant for playing the oldies.

You puffed your cheeks and blew out a long sigh, staring up at the white fraternity house. The iron gates had Greek letters carved in a long arch above the entrance. Neither you nor Konan were friends with anyone who belonged to the frat, it was just understood they threw insane parties, and that seemed to be the only reason the house existed.

Most of the windows were flashing an assortment of colors, others had their curtains drawn closed. The music's bass raised your heartbeat in time with it, pounding your chest and stomach in rapid rhythms.

The strong scent of pot wafted down the driveway. Spread across the lawn were the barely clothed bodies of other students you recognized. Parts of costumes, mostly fairy wings, were abandoned in the grass.

Broken away into smaller groups were a few hulking men wearing the rugby team's letterman jackets. Your heart quickened, dashing past the pace of the music. Darting your eyes over the men, dread started to seep into your bones, weighing you down, making it almost impossible for your brain to catch up and process that none of them were the one you were anticipating.

Relief flooded you. He wasn't out here, at least. The ice in your veins melted to a cold sweat down your back, cooling in the breeze. You could delude yourself into a false sense of safety for now.

"C'mon," Konan repeated your name and jerked her thumb over her shoulder to the double door of the mansion, propped open with jack-o-lanterns. You shook yourself out of your daze and followed.

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