Learning About Halloween

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Omega's POV:
I saw something on Techs Holopad and I got an idea, it was something about the last day of October being a day and night where people dress up, party, go around to houses and ask for candy, and it seemed fun. I thought to ask Hunter about it, that's what I'm doing now "HUNTER!! HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER!!" I ran up to him and he looked like he was ready to shoot someone, probably cuz I was yelling and screaming, oh well. "Are you ok Omega? Is there someone chasing you?" He asked, trying to get me to catch my breath. "Yeah everythings fine, I just wanted to ask about something I saw on Tech's holopad, the last day of this month, is it some kind of holiday?" I think that distracted him from his worry and panic from a couple of moments before. "Oh you mean Halloween? Yea it's the funnest day of the year! A lot of people dress as creature or species or anything else they can think of and go around to houses getting candy all night! My first halloween was my favorite, we'll bring you trick or treating! C'mon let's go get the team and start getting ideas for all of our costumes!" I started laughing, I guess Hunter heard me cuz the next thing he said was "what? Is something funny? Do I look weird? Is my hair knotted up again?" He went on to try to fix his hair. "No, you're whole mood just flipped from wanting to kill someone to a kid in a candy shop." Sid heard that, she agreed with me saying Hunter is probably more of a kid than I am. Hunter seemed offended by this "hey!! No I'm not!! Everyone gets excited when it comes to Halloween!!"

Crosshairs POV:

Ever since I was welcomed back on the team it's been chaos, I heard Omega, Hunter and the one they call Sid arguing, I heard something about Hunter's childish and Halloween "Hunter you're basically a 5 year old when it comes to Halloween, stop denying it." I heard a little 'hmpf' from him and he started pouting.. typical children. "OH! I KNOW! CROSSHAIR YOU SHOULD GO WITH!! YOU COULD BE A.. dang it I have no idea what you could be.." oh thank god.. she didnt say a princess "he could be a balleri- KRIFF YOU DIDNT HAVE TO SHOOT ME CROSS!! IT WAS JUST A SUGGESTION!!" I am not going to let Hunter give that girl any ideas for me, I know exactly what I wanna go as.

Hunters POV:

"What's that smug look for Cross? What? Shooting me makes ya happy?" I couldnt believe him, smiling after shooting his own brother, asshole. "Actually I'm smiling cuz I have an idea for your costume as well as my own." Oh no.. Crosshairs gonna make me look stupid like he did when we were cadets and snuck onto a ship and were just then learning of Halloween. It was fun but Crosshair made me look so.. stupid!! Can't deny that I looked smegz as Princess Leia though, but stupid. "Dont tell me to be a Skywalker again.. please it was traumatizing." Tech had walked in at some point with a med kit, someone probably called for him to bring a med kit. "HUNTER! STOP MAKING ME WASTE MEDICAL SUPPLIES!" Oh god.. here comes the lecture.

~Timeskip brought to you by artwork made by my friend during class~

It's been about 30 minutes and I haven't heard a word hes said, too busy thinking of my costume

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It's been about 30 minutes and I haven't heard a word hes said, too busy thinking of my costume. "Hey Tech, you should dress up as a Holopad for this Halloween." He looked disappointed now "did you listen to anything I said? And why would I dress up? I have more important matters to attend to, the ship-" I'm cutting him off there. "Omega's never experienced Halloween, we need to make this one extra special!"

Sorry for all of the POV switches, just wanted to give the characters that were in this chapter their own intro into the story, anyways this is the end of the chapter, and just to be clear, I do not own Star Wars The Bad Batch, any of Star Wars or the characters, have a great day! Or night! Or.. whatever time it is for you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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The Bad Batch Goes Trick-or-TreatingWhere stories live. Discover now