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I don't. Necessarily want to die I just don't wanna be here. I just wish there was oh way to escape reality  go into a room and  just wait till. You are ready to come out to the  real world again. But is just doesn't work like that. So I just set my room lying on my bed and Pretending I don't exist.

Also why is it that the only non-fictional character that I have known for 4 1/2 years rejects me on multiple occasions. And it's not just my doing because there was something there and now it's not. And I just don't know why so I'm just sitting here waiting for life to disappear . Waiting for it to all  end.

I just wanna go away escape the world and come back I'm mentally able to because right now I'm not. I'm not OK. I'm not ready to live. Awesome not ready to die. I'm just waiting for some catastrophic "accident" to happen to me

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