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As the warm air blowing from the land reached zhao yao's nose,she couldn't help herself but leap from the cold floor of a sailing boat and rush to lean on its deck.She drawled in the sight of the the approaching land and took a long breathe.To her this was the busiest place she'd ever been and women in dull course half were unloading and loading goods, some were hauling large boxes from the port, further north a bunch of  wooden built shops stood film, there even clouded than the port area.
"that's the largest market in wei, "a young man mouthed as he joined zhao.
"I can't believe ma ever lived here, "zhao retorted, her thoughts racing to the time her mother was alive.her mother fuli  yao had told her of the wei Kingdom That was known for its outstanding wealth and strong military morale.she'd further revealed that she once was a wei but had left  the kingdom when she was pregnant with her.zhao had asked her mother why she'd  left such a place but the woman had concealed the reason,she'd only warned her never to go there.
The boat hauled to a stop near the surface and the passengers started stumbling out of the boat.
"carry that",zhao demanded motioning to a rugged sandle bag on the floor.
"why should I?,Zhang winced though he grabbed the bag and hitched it on his shoulder.
" I never asked you to follow me,you made that decision on  your own"zhao reminded him consciously aware of how heavy the bag was.zhang was her cousin,the son of her mother's order brother.when zhang heard zhao was living for wei in order to find the cure for the heart pains she usually suffered,he'd offered he be her companion,Zhao had vulgarly refused.shed told him she was the one who was sick, therefore the one who must find the cure. She didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of her.
But naive Zhang  opted further on a note of his promise to her mother 14 years ago to always stay by  her side and protect  her.
Zhao yao had laughed at the sentence,it'd simply amazed her how a man who didn't know how to even kill a bug would protect her,still she gave up and here they were.

Having forced their way through the market,zhao yao  stopped on craftsmans shop,where she thought she would find a job. With Zhang they used the morning to find a place to stay but when they did she realised they did not have enough money to afford the place.
"I'm looking for a job",she exclaimed as the shaggy Looking Shop owner glanced at her curiously.
"are you insane, you are a woman, how can you do this kind of work,you should  be in some place mopping the floor or serving tea. The man blurted uninterestedly hands waving  her off
Zhao yao jerked her head back surprised with what the man had said
"why, I can curve well, I even know how to manipulate swords".she glunted
Feeling a tag on the sleeve of her hanfu,she directed her eyes to the source and flowned.
"haven't you heard,women here are not allowed to do these kind of work
"at least you make sense,child",the shop owner retorted
Zhang glared at him angrily,"I'm not a child, I'm even order than her, he exclaimed furiously
Then man just rolled his eyes"what ever"
Zhao ignored them and leant closer to the man,"I'm  really good at this, I can even show you my work",she paused then added"i'll disguise as a man.
The man watched her for a moment surprised with her determination.
"fine, come sometime  later, huh",he said with a questioning look,when it come to  making money,he was the kind of man who risked it all.And the young lady had caught his interest and increased his credibility of making money.
Zhao yao nodded in agreement
"where are you from?,he'd  senses with the lack of knowledge for the wei governing rules that she was a stranger.
The smile that crossed on the shaggy faced man even suprised zhao.
"well i'll see you soon "

"Don't you find the man's  behavior strange"zhang asked as they paced about the market while eyeing zhao on her sides.
"I don't care how strange that man is, what's important is the work and money, unless you want to sleep in a horse's stable.
"that's not a good option either,if the wei  soldiers catches you,they'll even kill you.
Zhao stopped on her trucks,took a long breathe and grinned at him,"i'll  risk my life, so long as I want to find the medicine,now if you'll excuse me,im already tired with  carrying these bags.
Zhang glanced at her sides  and mumbled",I'm hungry "
Zhao's grin dropped,hence she reached under her cuffs and drawled out a small sachet.
"here,"she  mouthed handing zhang the sachet that had a few coins in it
"really "
"no matter how stranded you are, you always must find a way to  feed your stomach,or else how will you survive.
Zhang blushed,although he was  order than her,hed always looked up-to her, zhao  was smart and brave while he had a dull mind.
"roasted chocolate nuts, "zhao exclaimed with the usual energy she always had,"let's try that huh"

A rumbling sound from behind them startled them, hence zhao yao turned and glanced back, she frowned when her eyes stopped on a mumbling crowd
"what's going on,?she thought

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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