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"Because," said Thor, "when something goes wrong the first thing I always think is, it is Loki's fault

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"Because," said Thor, "when something goes wrong the first thing I always think is, it is Loki's fault. It saves a lot of time."

To the Grave
2021 / 0000

LIAR. Ilaria Madine knew how the rebels thought of her. No matter how she behaves and no matter what she did, they wouldn't always see her as someone not to be trusted. Not even after her blood pact with Andromeda Benai, a high ranking general in the Rebellion. According to them, she was not loyal. And why should she? No one ever leave the Core. Not really. Their organisation was so widespread, a little part of her always would be with them.

Childhood seemed like a fairytale taking place in ancient times, a place far from here for Ilaria. It was ripped away from her before anyone had prepared her, and it was far too cruel. Adolescence killed the child and left only a wounded soul. Parents are selfish. Everyone pushes the narrative, that children should be grateful to be alive. But why? For most, life is suffering and non-existence is the only escape.

This is why dreaming is so dangerous, Ilaria Madine had always said. If she dreamt of a better world, she would still be that child who could break as easily as porcelain. She used to dream of running away as many times the magnolias bloomed and faded. Ilaria had seen many of her kind, the disciples, end in decay. Not her. She had promised her mother to stay alive. Stay whole.

HERO. Aries Yularen had been the Rebellion's saviour and pride. ever since he blew up an Imperial spaceship, which would've killed too many. His long, silky coal coloured hair reflected the sunlight with everyone's eyes gazing him.

Aries shined like a million stars at his best and a soulless shell of a man at his worst. This side of him was almost a taboo, the unspoken words hanging around his admiration as well. Everyone knew how self-centred, greedy and careless he could be, but his loyalty had never failed.

Ilaria Madine had awoken something in Aries Yularen. Whether it was hate or love was hard to tell, but it was most definitely a strong feeling that wouldn't fade like the flowers he and his siblings had grown up around.

SHADOW. Sable Divo felt lost. Her path in life seemed so clear; yet everything felt loose, unreal. Sable's dreams of the future had always surrounded her responsibilities as princess and the king's beloved youngest daughter.

Their bond, their commitment to each other, seemed to fade away with the arrival of the Empire and politics. Nothing was pure or good, but rather greedy and corrupt.

But who was to say the Rebellion was pure and good? Was their fight for freedom worth so many lives, including the ones of her loved ones?

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