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In the world their was nothing but darkness, this is where the goddess Gormagli, and god Atia resides. Their they made Fléxishu, geo and liana. These three gods with the help of their mother, would create the galaxy known as Magiconia. Fléxishu made all the monsters, geo made the lands. Gormagli and liana made the sun, soon more and more gods were created, most of them helping the world. But fléxishu had trouble making the humans and other species so he went to geo and the other gods for help. He asks them what they would want in a species. When he had the inspiration he had made them. Ideas coming left and right. When he was done the god had over 100 thousand monsters/humanoid creatures. Some of the gods thought of making gaurdians for their areas, so they did. They made them with the help of Fléxishu. Thats how the worlds came to be.

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