chapter 5 'Go away Sasuke!'(rewritten)

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Naruto pov

I blushed when itachi said that. Wait did Sasuke say bride and Tsunade! I took off  my henge. "No we will not accept the alliance you bastard." I say." 

"Come back with me Naruto! I'll treat you better than he could ever!" Sasuke growls while nodding at Itachi. He grabs my hand and pulls me up, about to kiss me.

"No!" I yell as I push him away and walk over to Itachi.

"Go away Sasuke!" 

"I'm better without you!"

I have the anbu send him away.

Time skip

Its been a few days since sasuke was here. 

"Time for bed" (lets say) pain says.

They all go to their rooms.

No pov

"Naruto can I ask you something?" Itachi says.
"Sure" he replies.
"I like you a lot naruto"
"I-i like you too."
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
"Of course!" Naruto says.
What they didnt know was a someone(s) was listening to them,and were very jealous.

Next day

Itachi wakes up to the smell of food. He heads to the kitchen were he finds Naruto. "You know how to cook?" ( my dirty mind. Replace 2nd o with c is how I read that.)
"Tell everyone breakfast is ready." Naruto says.
He walks to the living room were he finds them all.breakfast is done he tells them. They all head to the dining room where they find eggs, bacon, toast, milk, and pie on the table. After they eat they train and rest.

Next day again

Today they put their plan in action. They got ready, and paired up. They traveled to konohagakure. They attacked them, Naruto had unleashed Kurama. They destroyed the village no one was killed unless they attacked. After the attack, Naruto went up to Ino, and asked if she wanted to come with them. She accepted.

She joined the akatsuki it turned out she was really strong. Well stronger than they had thought.

Hope you enjoy Have a good day or night. E

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