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Jichu just created a group
Jennie_ruby,Chae munk,Lalalalisa was added

Lalalalisa:Hello ladies 😉

Jennie_ruby:It's 1am in the morning, are you guys serious?

Jichu:That's a pity because we're all awake.

Lalalalisa:Where's Rosie?

Jennie_ruby:Eating food

Chae munk:Jennie! I just finished eating •~•

Jennie_ruby:sly smirk

Jichu:Let's play a game

Lalalalisa: Ooo yes

Jennie_ruby: Please don't be Truth or Dare

Jichu:It's Hide-and-Seek 😏

Lalalalisa: YES

Chae munk:Can we hide with food?

Jennie_ruby:No Chae,you can hide with your fish instead

Jichu:In the dark since it's October to make things a little spooky

Lalalalisa: Hope I don't fall on any of you in the dark

Chae munk: Oooo I'll bring my fish

You better hide,hide, hide

Collaboration with kxm_jxsoo

Hide-and-seekWhere stories live. Discover now