The War

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As the Great Being fell from the sky it was split in two. The Being was not of this world and possessed unimaginable powers. As the two halves landed on opposite sides of the world Darkness began to spread from one and Light from the other. As man appeared and made itself known so did this Great Being influencing others to fight its great war. Light vs Dark. The Great internal war we fight every day, good and evil. The creatures had manifested life upon their great backs becoming one with the land itself. Deep within each Island rest a part of the other. Within Light was a glimpse and a slight connection to the Darkness. Within Darkness was a glimpse and a slight connection to the Light. Both halves still connected partially. Women and men, brothers and sisters, all were torn and tempted by these two great beings to fight one another. To control these random acts of violence Four great warriors were chosen by each side Light and Dark to carry out their will, made to be their generals to lead their armies in the great war. The generals of the Darkness had immense power and strength, but the generals of Light had cunning and bravery. Each side gathered their armies and met on an island untouched by man. Though outnumbered the armies of the light held their ground, setting blockades and using the lay of the land to dwindle down the numbers of the armies of the dark. The Generals of darkness summoned dark beast made from the very absence of light, pure darkness to fight for them in battle, with an immense hunger that could not be satiated the creatures tore through the ranks of men. Friend or foe the creatures had no preference. The generals of Light were prepared for such a chaotic maneuver by the Dark and drew the ancient weapons bestowed upon them by their leader. They took to the battlefield facing the creatures head on. With effort and courage they fought side by side vanquishing the beast, but after bloodshed and destruction, humanity had slaughtered one another turning this once beautiful land into a graveyard. With both armies destroyed, the great generals took up arms against one another and the warriors of Light's loss seemed inevitable as their power was outmatched by the strength of the Darkness. The wounded laying on the ground waiting to die saw the bravery of their fearless leaders that were willing to fight till the very end to protect all that was good. Inspired the dying rose one last time as an invigorating wind swept across the battlefield restoring what fight they had left. Even with a portion of their army fighting once again the generals of the Light knew it was not enough to win, so as a final effort the generals of the Light linked their inner flame through a forbidden ritual, once their ritual was complete, an explosion was created that sent shockwaves through out the world obliterating themselves, the generals of Darkness and almost all of the living. The shockwave lulled both of the Greater Beings to a deep sleep and split the world and divided the lands. The Greater Being of darkness crashed in on itself as it slumbered emitting massive quakes shaking the earth's core raising jagged pieces of its crust surrounding the Dark god, isolating itself as it slept hidden by a dark fog. As the Greater Being of light slept it opened its arms burning a fire from within drawing any lost at sea seeking refuge. Hundreds of years passing humanity began to grow and rebuild once again. Stories are still told of the greater being that split in two as it fell from the sky and even in its time past, others claim to hear these Beings speak to them still tempting those who are willing to listen, waiting to be awaken once again.

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