1- When Eyes First Meet

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Ladybug's POV

The wind smacks my face as I swing across Paris on my yo-yo. I jump and fly and leap and smile. It's been over a week since Hawkmoth has terrorized the city and I'm grateful for this temporary peace, as long as it'll last. I land on the edge of a tall building and stare across the city. It's night, and the Eiffel Tower shines bright, brighter if possible. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. The city's asleep. For the first time in a long time, there isn't a heavy burden weighing hard on my shoulders. Hawkmoth must have taken a vacation. With no recent akumatizations, patrol has been a breeze, but it has been a bit lonely without Cat Noir. I guess when Paris doesn't need protecting, he's probably off brushing his hair or practicing lame pickup lines in the mirror. I do miss him, though, and his stupid jokes, I have to admit. I turn to head home and the Agreste mansion enters my view.

Oh, Adrien... he's been gone, too. His father took him to Tokyo to promote his brand.

A silver car pulls up to the front gates, and I squint to get a closer look. I make out the blurry shadows and instantly recognize that blonde hair.

Ah! It's Adrien! He's home! Butterflies knot in my stomach as a blush burns my cold cheeks. I smile with a heavy sigh. Oh, if only that sunshine boy knew how he made me feel.

My gaze drifts off and I watch a man in a dark trench coat charge across the street to the mansion.

"This doesn't look good," I whisper to myself as I place a hand on the yo-yo attached to my waist.

"Hey!" He shouts and reveals a gun from inside his coat. Adrien, Mr. Agreste, Natalie, and his bodyguard, nicknamed Gorilla, turn to look at the crazy man. "Nobody moves and nobody gets hurt! Now, give me all the cash you got on you."

Natalie grabs Adrien and shoves him back in the car. "Stay here, Adrien." Gorilla blocks the door.

I throw my yo-yo and swing into action.

Mr. Agreste steps forward. "Who are you to try and rob me? Do you know who I am, you fool?"

"Duh, pinhead! You're Gabriel Agreste. I've been following ya for weeks now." He aims the gun at Mr. Agreste. "I knew exactly when you would be home. Now give me all you got before I blow your head off."

Almost there. Swing faster!

Mr. Agreste chuckles. "You underestimate me, sir." He touches the collar of his shirt.

"Argh!" I come swinging down and use both legs to kick the man back. His gun drops and I kick it away from us. I dodge a punch and elbow his side, shoving him against the gate as I tie his arms together. "Leave them alone!"

Adrien and his father's eyes widen. "Ladybug?!" They shout at the same time.

Adrien's out of the car now and running over to me. "Mi-Ladybug! What are you doing here?"

His eyes meet mine and my heart melts and I smile big. "A-Adrien! I was... I was just patrolling around the cutie, I-I mean city, and I saw this man was about to hurt you and your family." I glare at the man as I tighten the yo-yo. "Are you insane?"

"I need the money and I'd do anything to get it!" The man spits and he forms his hands into fists. "I ain't gonna let a stupid, little bug get in my way." He swings his head back and headbutts me and I lose my grip on the yo-yo as I fall to the ground. My ears ring. The man jumps for his gun and in a second I'm back on my feet, the cool barrel of the gun pressed into the side of my head. "Now, I'm not gonna ask again. Give me everything you got or this little bug's brains are gonna blow everywhere."

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