Chapter 1

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zayne pov:

 shrugged on my bookbag, shutting the door on my old rusty car. One of the windows were taped shut and the ac doesn't work sometimes, but she's my baby. There are random stickers and sharpie drawings from my stoned friends all over the inside.

I check my phone, seeing I had about fifteen minutes before class. I hurriedly climbed the stairs leading up to my hellhole of a school. Of course I had a friend or two and my grades aren't the worst, but some of the people make me want to jump out the closest window.

The halls are crowded, but I pushed through the crowds to find my lockers. I ignore the occasional curse thrown my way as I finally got to my locker, seeing crow leaned over on my locker. Today they are wearing baggy black pants with an assortment of chains and jewelry, along with a band tee and some eyeliner. 

They're looking down, distracted by whoever they were texting on their phone. I use the element of surprise, sneaking up behind them to pull on their bag to scare them. In an instant they turn around, ready to punch whoever. "Zayne! I was fully about to punch you in the dick, don't do that." They roll their eyes, going back to whatever on their phone as I open my locker.

I pull out my books, looking over my makeup in the small mirror I keep in my locker. Not too shabby. "Hey, Imma head to class." I got a nod and a wave from crow, who continued to play on their phone.

My class only has a few kids who dont have anything better to do before class starts. Most are either on their phones or reading, or reading on their phones I dont control them. I slumped down in my chair, propping my feet up and going on my phone.

I don't really pay attention to my surroundings until my teacher comes in, starting her lesson on something I really could care less about.


Jaxon pov:

I hop out of my car, meeting up with my 'group' from football, laughing at whatever stupid joke someone made. We still had quite a few minutes left, no doubt going to be spent talking about girls or parties.

We all walk into the school, laughing as a group.  Crowds parted around us, girls glancing at us, then turning to giggle to their friends. Less-popular guys looked up to us in admiration, or in jealousy. To be honest, I don't really look twice at anyone, faces are just faces at this point.

I part from the group once I spot my locker, I don't need any books or anything like that. I just really didn't to be surrounded by such a big crowd, its like 7 am I really cant understand how anyone can put up with that.

I start heading to class, ready for another day of the exact same mind melting cycle that I sit through five days of the week.


By the time lunch rolled around, I'm so ready to eat and get out of real classes. I know I have football afterschool, so I need to eat frequently. I sit down with the rest of my team, eating my food and occasionally stealing food from my friends plates. Popping a fry into my mouth, I look up to see max, one of my only 'real' friends glaring at me. Possibly because it was his fry.

 Before he could chew me out for once again stealing his food, I give a guilty smile and stand up. "Gotta get to class, See ya!" I give  a solute with two of my fingers, quickly turning around to speed-walk out of site.

I guess I wasn't paying attention, because I hit a solid body, books falling everywhere. I quickly bent down to help pick up their books, not even looking to see who it is. But once I did, my heart skipped a beat a little.

He has long black hair, piercings scattering his face. He's wearing a shirt with a band I dont recognize on it, which is kind of cropped revealing a belly button piercing. He paired it with low rise skinny jeans, a couple wallet chains hanging, on top of all that combat boots and smudged eyeliner.



Zayne pov:

I look up from my books, about to thank whatever asshole had bumped my books on the floor for helping me pick them up. My breath hitched before I could even get that far.

He has dirty blond hair that goes down to his defined jaw, strands falling into his face. He has a crooked nose that perfectly fits his face, And a school letterman jacket covering a black shirt with some basic jeans.

I know its basic but Holy shit.

I realize we've both been staring for a while I clear my throat, "Uhm, thanks?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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