The Café (Natasha's POV)

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The café was warm and bright, people chatting and laughing at every table, as I walked in I couldn't help but feel nostalgic, this was the place I'd been dreaming about for years, and I'm finally here.

I can't help but worry, what if it's not the same? What if we've changed? I try to forget those thoughts as I look around for Daniel. I have no idea if he'll show up, but he said he would, and I just have to trust him. And then I see him.

I run over to him, "Daniel!" I shout excitedly. He looks like the same, happy person he was 5 years ago. He wraps his arms around me for what feels like forever. "I can't believe you're really here!" He says as he finally lets go, he seems different, but I push that aside.

He pulls out a chair for me at the table he was sitting at, it's a plain hardwood table, but I remember it even now. We stare at each other for a couple of minutes, I expected us to have more to say, but I guess we don't.

I'm sure It's because it's been so long. It'll go back to normal soon. "How have you been?" I say, trying to start conversation. "I'm good." he says plainly. "Wow, descriptive." I think to myself. "Well uh... That's good!" I say, trying again to start a conversation. No response.

I look around the café, there's a couple fighting in a booth, and a musician is tuning his guitar. I wonder if it was a mistake coming here, and then I remember that day on October 5 years ago, I refuse to give up on that.

"May I take your order?" The waiter says. "Yeah, thanks, we'll both have a latte." He says to the waiter, I stare at him, he didn't ask me what I wanted, but I ignore it. "Anything else?" The waiter asks, "No, thanks."I say trying to sound upset, so Daniel will realize he should have asked me, but he doesn't. "It's fine" I think to myself.

When the waiter leaves, Daniel finally speaks, "So what have you been doing? Did you decide on passion, or practicality?" he says, "I actually decided to become a teacher! I wanted to help people, not just live for money but live for me! I-" as I start to explain, I can tell he isn't listening. I hate it when people don't listen, but he must just be tired, or that's what I tell myself at least. I guess he noticed I stopped talking, "Sorry, I'm listening." He says apologetically. "Clearly" I say sarcastically. I can't believe he's being like this when he's the one who invited me here in the first place. "Look, I'm sorry I've just had a really stressful day, let's start over." He says, he seems like he really is sorry, so I nod. "So what have you been doing? I'll really listen this time, I promise." I smile, I knew it hadn't changed. "Well, like I was saying, I have a job at a Special needs school in Kenya, it's online, but I still adore it. I've only worked there for a while, but I wouldn't be there without you." I say. He smiles, and I remember why I missed him so much. "I'm so glad, Tash." He says. He's the only person who calls me that, It makes me smile." So what about you? What's the great poet been doing?" I say, chuckling. His face changes instantly. "I actually uh, I actually decided to do what my family wanted, so I guess I'm more like the great med school student now" I know he's joking, but I can hear the sadness in his face. I almost ask him about it, but I stop myself, "A question for another time" I think to myself.

We spent hours talking, and before I knew it, it was 6 in the afternoon. Daniel looks down at his watch and gasps, "It's gotten so late... Where are you staying? I'll walk you home." He offers. "I'm actually hoping I could stay with you?" I say hopefully. He stares at me awkwardly, I can see the answer written on his face, and my smile shrinks. "The thing is, I'm living with someone right now, and I don't know how they would feel about a new person..." He says it quietly, almost like a whisper. "Oh, I had no idea you had a girlfriend..." I'm upset he didn't tell me he was dating someone. "No, no she's just shy, we aren't-" He tries to say, but I interrupt him. "Save it, I'll find a hotel." I say as I get up. I know I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me, but I can't change what I did.

I push open the glass door of the café and a breath of fresh air hits me. It's gotten colder than it was when I first walked in, but I don't mind it, it's refreshing.

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