Chapter 1

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               "Hi, I'm Lacey."

My hands shake at my side and I can't swallow the lump in the back of my throat. My head was spinning and I felt like I could pass out at any moment. I feel like I didn't hear her correctly and it was just my mind playing jokes on me, but when I blink one more time and she's still grinning at me, I know I heard her correctly. Not just the name got me spinning but those same green and sparkling eyes that once held so much pain. How could this be happening right now? Is it really happening? This isn't Lacey but it was.

        "L-Lacey?" I stutter and Lacey stares down at her feet then back up at me.

        "Yeah, short for Lacandra." she chuckles then furrows her eyebrows while awkwarldy looking down at the floor and I realize I've been staring at her like a creep.  I stare once more at her, she looks so much older than the Lacey I've once held in my arms. She had the same complexion, and those big green eyes, but her short and brunnette hair had blonde in it and she was much shorter. She looked like my Lacey but so much different. I couldn't breathe, I literally couldn't breathe. I couldn't suck in and the harder I tried the more it burned. This was too much, too much for me. Did Lily know this? Did she know Grace's sister would end up being like Lacey? Is she Lacey?

I bring the cold water bottle I had been holding and bring it to my lips, chugging down the cool sensation to my burning throat. "I'm Seth," I suddenly annouce when I swallow the rest of my water. Lace- Lacandra looks up and gives me a smile.

        "Seth, can Grace and I meet up with our other friends?" Lily asks suddenly, bringing my attention her.

I sigh but nod, reminding myself that she's 12, not 6 anymore. "Meet us back here in two hours, got it?" Lily nods and the two of them go running off. I groan when I realize the trouble I'm in, I'm stuck with this random girl. Who looks too much like my dead girlfriend.

        "Grace tells me a lot about Lily, she's a really smart kid," Lacandra announces and I don't know what to say, so I nod.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this situation.. It's Lacey but not Lacey. Is this Lacey trying to tell me that she's still here and in another girls body? How weird does that sound...but it gives me so much hope. Then I realize how stupid that is and my mood depresses. I can't help but surround myself with all of the memories I had with Lacey, how happy we were.  

Not really paying attention to the crowd surronding me, a person shoves me and I smash into Lacandra, I freeze when the heat of her skin brings comfort to me. Suddenly every emotion I've ever had for Lacey comes back, but stronger and all at once. Lacandra's green eyes meet mine and all the walls I've had up, comes crashing down in a matter of seconds. Lacandra pushes off my chest and starts walking through the crowd again. I turn my head and watch as she continues walking, never once looking back. It feels as though I'm losing her again and I can't let that happen, so I go running after her.

        "I heard you've never been to a carnival before," I say to break the silence between us, suddenly needing to get to know this girl.

Lacandra shrugs. "Not really my scene," she answers and looks up at me. "what about you?"

        "I was dragged here," I explain and Lacandra laughs. "so, are you in college?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

Lacandra nods, "Just started my sophomore year of college, you?"

I shake my head, looking around at the people walking by. "Not really my scene," I answer, stealing her line. "what's your major?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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