Chapter 1: First Meeting

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Sparkling's P.O.V.:

Hey! I'm Sparkling Cookie. But you can call me Sparkling or Spark. Wednesdays are usually very boring. I work at my very own bar, and I love my job, really, but sometimes, everyone needs a break. I closed up my bar and messaged my friend Mint Choco. 

Their Chat:

Sparkling: Hey Mint Choco!

Mint Choco: Hey

Mint Choco: Let me guess, you want me to perform at your bar again?

Mint Choco: That's the only thing why you message me-

Sparkling: Nope- I just want to ask you something

Mint Choco: What is it?

Sparkling: I need a break from the bar, do you know any places I can go?

Mint Choco: Isn't there a café 5 minutes away from the bar?

Mint Choco: You can go there and drink something

Sparkling: You mean that café that's full of plants?-

Mint Choco: Yeah

Sparkling: Okay, will go there then!

Sparkling: Thank you Mint Choco!

Mint Choco: You're welcome!

"A café? Sounds nice", I said to myself. I took my wallet and started walking to the café. After I got there I saw a young man behind the counter. "Welcome!", he said. I responded with: "Hey cutie!" He hid behind the counter. Did I do something wrong? He came back up and said "W-What would you like to drink?" with a shy voice. "Ah- one coffee please!" He came back up from behind the counter. "That would be ***$ please!" I gave him the money. "Thank you! You can take a seat if you want to!" "I will, thank you." I took a seat at the counter. It's similar to the one I have in my bar.

As I was waiting for my coffee, the man came to me. "I'm Herb by the way!" "Nice to meet you Herb. I'm Sparkling but you can call me Spark or Sparky if you'd like" I smiled. "Well uh- Thank you! I will go get your coffee really quick!" He goes to get my coffee. 

"This Herb looks actually pretty cute..." I thought to myself while I started to blush a bit. "Mister Sparkling, here's your coffee!" He puts it on the counter. "There's no need to call me mister-" "Oh, I'm sorry!" "No it's okay! And I wanted to ask, can I have a paper and a pen please? I need to write something down really quick-" "Of course!' He gave me a pen and a piece of paper. "Thank you! Don't worry, it won't take long." "No need to hurry!" He smiled. I wrote something on the paper and gave him back the pen. "Again, thanks!" "No problem!" 

We talked for a while. "I should go back to the bar now-" "Oh okay! See you soon!" "See you soon!" I layed the paper on the counter, turned around and walked back to the bar. I reopened my bar after I got there.

"God it's been a long day.." I said after cleaning the counter. I grabbed my bag and closed the door behind me after I got outside. Sleepy, I went home. As I got home, I dropped my bag and changed my clothes. I jumped onto my bed and almost fell asleep, as my phone ringed. I sat up. "Who could that be.." I got up after 5 minutes of asking myself, who texted me. I looked at my phone and I saw who texted me, it was Herb! "I completely forgot about him!"

Their Chat:

Herb: Hello! Is this Sparkling?

Sparkling: Yes! Are you Herb?

Herb: Mhm. Thank you for giving me your number!

Sparkling: No problem! I wanted to ask you if we maybe could hang out to get to know each other better

Herb: Of course we can! :) Where and when should we meet up?

Sparkling: How about at my bar, on saturday, 2 p.m.? 

Herb: Okay! Your bar is 5 minutes away from my café, right?

Sparkling: Yes it is!

Sparkling: Soo, see you on saturday?

Herb: Yes! See you soon :))

Sparkling: See you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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